A Whole New World of Weirdness

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Chloe: Felix its now or never!!!

Felix: I got it in my sights.

Chloe:Do it


Bullet enters straight into the boar's skull then drops to the ground.

Chloe:Felix you almost got me killed you know

Felix:Well at least your not dead

Chloe:Well at least

Felix: ... Well let's just hurry up and skin the boar, it ain't gonna stay fresh for us you know

Chloe: Fine

As Felix and Chloe heads home they encounter something weird floating in the sky.

Chloe: What's that?

Felix:  I think its an alien artifact

Chloe: You think

Suddenly the bright light disappears. Not knowing what they just saw the two just went back home and cooks dinner.

10 minutes later

Felix: 🙇🙇 aww it feels like I ate an entire building

Chloe: Well I feel perfectly fine

Felix: Good for you

Chloe: Do you want to go to bed

Felix: Yeah sure.

Chloe: All right I'll help you get up.

Felix: Thanks

Felix went straight to bed. He had strange dream. There was a person saying that this is real. Its about the Aliens. In his dream the Aliens are mobilizing a huge fleet, bigger than the last time. At this rate humanity would be wiped out in the face of the Earth. Then a person in human form with a robotic arm would ride a ship full of cold fusion bombs then detonates it in the center of the fleet. Not sure who it was, Felix wakes up and talks about it with his sister. His sister thinks it was some sort of vision, a future vision! Well they weren't sure of it so they decided to look for answers. And the answer would be inside "The Thing". Which they think its a crashed ship of the First Contact War.

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