Gathering Information

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Its been an hour since Felix and his sister left their house. They're on their way to City Carter to gather information of how to get through "The Thing's" shield barrier. They arrived in the city at 11:40.

Chloe: Felix I'm hungry
Felix: I feel the same
Chloe: How about we buy something
Felix:Good idea

The two ate in an inn. Felix asked the Bartender for information. He doesn't know how to open the barrier tho. For 3 hours they were tired. Since nobody is giving them enough info they agreed to travel to Tasmania. They travelled at first light in the next day. Again another boring travel. They again arrived at 11:41 then ate lunch then asked information. When they continued asking information around the city vampire heard about them.

Person: Who are you two?

Felix: I'm Felix and this is my sister Chloe.

Chloe: Umm... Hi

Felix: We're gathering information of how to get pass the barrier surrounding "The Thing".

Person: For what?

Felix: For something important.

Person: If its really that important then I know someone who can.

Felix: Uhh... thanks.

Person: But under one condition.

Felix: What?

Person: Take me with you.

Felix: Why?

Person: Because this city sucks. People aren't nice here. Plus they think I'm a full evil demon even tho its my father that's a full demon and evil. Plus I'm a half vampire. And I'm not evil.

Felix: Okaaayyy you can come with us.

Person: Thanks. By the way I'm Ryan.

Felix: Ok Ryan, we leave at dawn.

Felix, Chloe and Ryan are now friends but Chloe doesn't seem to trust him that much became use she thinks he's gonna suck their blood. Ryan was introducing himself properly as they enter their room in a hotel. He doesn't like blood . He doesn't drink it. His skin can only be affected in the summer heat.  That made Chloe a bit relieved. But she still doesn't trust him that much.

They left after breakfast towards the plain deserts which is a few miles east. Probably around 10-20 miles I guess. Well that's what Felix thinks. The quickest way to het their is to travel north then go east then go southeast. Well that just sounds a bit confusing. They were approaching the Ruby Volcano. The Volcano wasn't smoking so no eruption. It was now noon and the three was very hungry. Felix bought some preserved canned foods this morning. Felix took out 3 but for some reason it was still cold so they had to cook it. It took 3 minutes to start a fire cuz they weren't that skilled. Then it took 3 minutes to cook and 5 minutes to eat. They still had to rest. The three slept. When they woke up it was already 3:40 pm. They quickly packed their stuff and hurried towards the desert. After 2 hours they were closing in the crossroads (if you studied the map in chapter 1) and it was already dusk.

Night was closing fast and its dangerous at night because of the mutants. They continued to travel then they saw a truck in the distance. They signalled for help but surprisingly the driver of the truck is the person they're looking for.

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