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'She asked for my love and i gave her a dangerous mind'

It was the day after the whole ordeal; your mind couldn't help but wander to the man you had met yesterday

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It was the day after the whole ordeal; your mind couldn't help but wander to the man you had met yesterday. You tried hard to remember his features, but you simply could not.

You didn't even get his name...not that it mattered, you wouldn't be seeing him again.

At least that's what you thought.

During your shift, in the cafe that you work at, everything seemed normal.
You hadn't encountered anything strange or alarming, it was just normal.
Although, you had the up most privilege to see a couple practically eating each others faces.
Besides from that and a few irritating children, everything was calm.

You was proven wrong in approximately 5 minutes.

The bell of the door sounded through the shop, indicating that someone had entered.
"What would you like?" You said looking up, then furrowing your brows at the person in front of you.
Realisation dawned on you and you pieced together who he was.

"Blood boy?" You asked, incredulous.
His eyes shot up to yours and his features tensed.
A scowl appeared and his actions seemed forceful.

"A Banana milkshake." He ordered.
Slowly, you nodded, not being able to take your eyes off his face.
It was weird seeing him completely fine, no traces of him being hurt.
You passed on the order to my co worker and turned your attention back to him.

"Name?" You asked getting a marker (hehe) and a cup out.
He was hesitant.
As soon as his name left his lips he turned around and went to find a seat.

"Mark." You muttered, writing his name down.

Once the drink was ready, you walked around the counter to try and spot him.
There was a figure on the back table of the room, arms crossed on the table and head resting on his arms.
The back hoodie that was pulled up over his head assured you it was him.

Carefully, you walked towards him, cautious of the fact he may well be sleeping or something.
You cleared your throat as you got to his table.
"Uh...a Banana milkshake for you." You said putting it down on his table.
He lifted his head up and the first thing you noticed was the tiredness that seeped onto his features.

"Thanks." He nodded slightly, his voice seemed scratchy and low.
He reached out to get it and took a sip from it.

"Are you okay?" You inquired concerned, looking at him with features that filled with worry.
He stopped his movements and looked at you in some sort of surprise.

"What?" He asked confused.
You looked around cautiously before answering.
"You were covered in blood yesterday, you looked like you were gonna pass out." You whispered, making sure no one heard.

Mark rolled his eyes and pushed his hood down.
"I told you it wasn't my blood." He stated in annoyance.
You rolled my eyes.
How dumb does he think you were?

"Clearly you were hurt somehow, I didn't miss that limp and you kept clutching your stomach." You fired back.
You knew you were right judging by his silence.

"Don't worry about it, it's none of your business." He spat.
You shifted your weight to your other foot.
"But it's in my nature to worry and how could I not? You looked hurt Mark."

"Don't use my name out loud." He growled slightly, his eyes darting across the room.
You got increasingly confused.

"Just leave me alone- whatever your name is."

"Park Areum."

There was a silence that hung over you both and you looked down at him.
"Seriously though, are you okay?" You pressed.
He sighed loudly and was about to say something, but his eyes darted towards the door as soon as it opened.

Without time for you to even look back, gunshots rang through the room, followed by screams and the sight of people running.
Mark was quick on his feet, grabbing your hand and pulling you behind a big pillar next to the tahle..
The sound of gunfire echoed, each one louder everytime.

Your heart was beating erratically and yoru breaths became labored.
Mark cursed under his breath and carefully scanned the room.

"I KNOW YOU'RE HERE." a scream came over the loud fire of guns.
"I WILL KILL ALL OF NCT IF I HAVE TO. GIVE ME TAEYONG!" each word got louder and louder.

Who were these men?
Who was Taeyong?
Who was NCT?

Your thoughts were cut off by Mark resting a hand on on shoulder.
"Stay here, don't move." He ordered.
Your heart lurched in your chest.
"W-wait where a-are you going." You stuttered, feeling your stomach churn.

"I'll be back." He said turning around to walk into the main area of the shop.
Out of instinct, I grabbed his arm.
He stopped in his way, turning back to me.
"Don't leave me here, please."

A flash of deliberation passed him and he took his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Okay, don't let go of me alright?"

I nodded instantly and watched as he talked into an earpiece.

Who was he?

Minutes went by, you were beyond confused what was happening exactly.
The grip on his arm didn't loosen, instead it tightened as the front door was kicked open.

A chorus of
"KILL THEM!" was all you could hear aside from the gunshots and your heart thumping in your ear.
Your legs felt weak as you shut your eyes, trying to block the noise out.

You heard Mark talking, it didn't seem like he was talking to you but when you heard another voice, you mustered up the courage to open your eyes.

You knew that voice.
And as soon as you opened my eyes, you knew who he was.

"Donghyuck?" You uttered in confusion.

You took in his appearance, he had blood all over him. As you said his voice, his eyes snapped to you. He was as confused as you were.
He looked between you and Mark, then at Mark who shook his head.

"I'll tell you later.. how many of our men out here?" He asked Donghyuck- your classmate.

Donghyuck however didn't take his eyes off you.
"Dream is here."
Mark cursed under his breath.
"Get back out there, I need cover."

At the order, Donghyuk took his eyes off you and nodded, disappearing into the rounds of fire.

"Donghyu- what's happening?" You pleaded, trying to look into Mark's eyes, but he didn't meet yours.

"Don't let go of me." He commanded, taking a step out from the pillar.
His hand travelled to his back pocket, taking out a shiny weapon.

"Close your eyes." He whispered.

And so you did.

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