I'm hiding my feelings but I'm tired of hiding it from you
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"YOU BASTARD!" another glass was launched at the wall, the shattering ringing through his ears as he stood unmoving in the presence of his boss. "YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH! HOW COULD YOU BE SO FOOLISH!" Mr Jung screamed, picking up something else to throw.
"Do you know what you've done?" He panted, teeth gritting in anger. He stepped forward, towards the boy, slow agonising steps. Mr Jung chuckled humourlessly, venom dripping off his tongue. He stoped until his mouth was next to his ear.
"You're pathetic Mark Lee."
Satisfied, he leaned back and smirked, turning to leave, back facing Mark. Yet the tormenting words, Mark never said a word back. He learned to not challenge Mr Jung, however he knew the outcome of his anger wouldn't result in calamity. Before reaching the door, he spoke. "I can see why your mother abandoned you, pretty lady she was." He threw a tormenting devilish wink at the boy, knowing he hit a nerve. Opening the door, the man ordered his bodyguards to 'take care of it'. They nodded in confirmation and stepped inside the room, the door locking with a daunting click. The three men turned to Mark.
"Lucky if you leave the room alive son."
Punch after punch, kick after kick, the men left the room, cleaning their bloody hands before reporting back to business. Remorseless, they left a beated, bloodied, half alive Mark, lying on the floor with pain searing through his body. The metallic taste coated his throat as he swallowed the blood back down, fighting the urge to throw up or pass out. Groaning, he lifted his head slightly to see no one in the room, he was alone, yet again. That's how it has always been, right from the start. That scared little boy whimpering for his Mother to return, yet she never did. "Mum-" he started violently coughing, chest tightening with every passing second. "Come back please." He muttered out, laying flat on his stomach, and he began crawling the floor to exit the blood filled room. "I'm sorry." Tears gathering in his eyes, mixtures of pain sending him into relentless agony.
"I don't know what to do, please help ne, I don't know what to do." He cried, tears slipping down his cheeks, the salty taste overpowering the metallic of the blood. "I don't want to do this anymore Mum, i just want you to come back." He spoke out loud, as if she could hear him.
The pain was immeasurable. The flashbacks tainted his mind once again, the events playing over and over again. He could see it, what they did to her. And he's never hated himself more than in that moment. It was all his fault.
"Forgive me Mum, I tried so hard to stop it-i didn't want to see you hurting." He sobbed, giving up on trying to move, he accepted anything by this point. Even death seemed welcoming.
There never could be any pain that could compare to the tragedy that an 11 year old had to witness in front of his own eyes, yet 10 years later, time never healed it.
In the end, it was all his fault.
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