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Without knowing they both yearned for each other


"Hey Areum whats up?" The voice on the other line spoke enthusiastically.

"Nothing really, just checking up on my beloved step brother."

"Well soon to be step siblings, the wedding is upcoming."

"Yeah and I still have nothing to wear." You frowned slightly, making a mental note to start shopping.

"Oh no! We need to go shopping soon!"

"You'll come with me?"

"Of course Areum." by the tone of his voice, you knew he was grinning as per usual.

"Well it's nearly 3am." You yawned, looking over at the nightstand clock.

"We should sleep now, Goodnight Areum."

"Goodnight Jungwoo."

You plugged your phone into charge before setting it down and getting cozy in your bed. Trying to let sleep overcome you, the object hanging on the door of your wardrobe stood out.
Mark's jacket hung alone, the dark material standing out against your white wardrobe.

"I'll give it back soon." You nodded to yourself, eyeing it once more, then switching off your lamp and turning on your side to fall into a deep slumber.

"Shit I'm late!" You hissed to yourself, hauling yourself out of bed and running into the bathroom, stripping of your clothes while brushing your teeth and washing your face

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"Shit I'm late!" You hissed to yourself, hauling yourself out of bed and running into the bathroom, stripping of your clothes while brushing your teeth and washing your face.

Quickly moisturising, you pulled open your wardrobe and grabbed the first t-shirt and jeans you could find, hastily pulling them on and tightening the belt.
"Shoes." You muttered, grabbing a pair of shoes and slipping them on, fastening the laces.
Not feeling like doing your hair properly, you brushed through it and decided to put it into a high ponytail to pull it out of your face.

"AREUM ITS COLD TODAY, DON'T FORGET TO TAKE A JACKET." Hyeri called from downstairs.
Without realising it, you grabbed the jacket hung on your wardrobe and ran down the stairs to where Hyeri stood, A breakfast bar in hand.
"Thank you Hyeri! See you later!" You yelled back, taking the bar and exiting the house.

"Finally she calls me by my name, took long enough." Hyeri murmured to herself as she watched you leave.

Seeing as the Café wasn't too far, you decided to walk- very fast- to your destination.
Upon seeing the Café, you slowed down a bit, catching your breath.

The bell ringing sounded throughout the calm café that was playing songs in the background.
"Morning!" The familiar voice greeted you and return you gave a blinding smile.
"Hi Yuta sorry I'm late." You apologized, bowing slightly.

Yuta, who was tying his apron around his waist, shook his head, answering to your apology.
"No don't worry about it!"
Smiling at him, you strided towards the counter and into the backroom where you placed your belongings and grabbed your apron.
"Ah! I forgot to tell you!" Yuta exclaimed from the main area of the café.
"We have a new employee!"

"We have a new employee!"

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"Hey, I'm Zen." The foreign looking girl introduced herself, bowing slightly. Welcoming her with a smile, you also bowed and introduced yourself.
"Areum, nice to meet you."

"I have a feeling we'll get along."


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Ethereal love ➳ Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now