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The tragedy is all right there...in the very beginning when he smiles at her. When she instantly forgets. Forgets how dangerous he is.

In the worn out, black van, there were 8 of them- dreamies, Mark and Areum, who was highly uncomfortable

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In the worn out, black van, there were 8 of them- dreamies, Mark and Areum, who was highly uncomfortable.
"Why isn't Mark driving?" You inquired, voice laced with confusion.
Mark who was on his phone next to you shrugged and pointed to Jeno who was driving.
"He's better at driving." To which Jeno flashed his famous eye smile.
There was a deafening silence that dawned upon them.

"Listen yeah, I really don't know what stunt you're pulling right now but I want you to take me home."


"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Mark retorted, not taking his eyes off his phone.
You blankly stared at him, burning holes into his smooth cheek.

"Take me home." You demanded, your demeanor noticeably changing.
To which no one payed no mind to.
The rise of anger sparked at your nerves; fingers twitching to punch some sense into Mark.

"I won't say it again-"

"Don't say it at all then." He interrupted, not bothering to look at her. You shot at glare at the boy who sat next to you, though you found yourself wanting to know more about him.

How did he come to this lifestyle? How did any of them?

"A-areum?" A voice called out, barely noticeable. You looked around before landing your gaze on a guilty looking Jisung.
"I wanted to apologize..if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have gotten..."

"-stabbed." You finished, grimacing as you looked at her thigh. The boys all shared a look.
"It's okay Jisung, it's not your fault."
"No Jisung. It's not your fault okay?"

Jisung looked down at his feet but nodded unconvincingly. You noticed they had pulled up outside your house, to which you breathed a sigh of relief.
"They'll be searching for you." Mark spoke as you unbuckled your seatbelt. You gulped and the thoughts plagued your mind again.
"I-i'll be okay." You stuttered as you looked outside into the darkness.

Mark studied you for a moment. Your cheeks were flushed and eyes wide at the cold darkness looming over the dull house. Your full, long eyelashes fluttering down as you blinked in fear. His gaze travelled to your lips, one taken in hostage by your teeth. You unaware of the stare from the boy, you only focused on the thoughts you were thinking about.

Though when you looked back at Mark, he averted his gaze, mentally kicking himself for letting him study you.
"I'll be off, thanks for everything..."
As yo pulled open the door handle yoy were once again stopped by him.
"I wasn't kidding, you're a target Areum."

Those words lay thick in the air as they watched you walk up to the house and shut the front door behind you.
"Is she safe?" Jaemin asked watching you pull close the curtains.

Mark teased his lip ring with his teeth, feeling the cold metal slide against his tongue.

"What do we do Mark?"

"We don't do anything." He replied, almost bored. The rest shared a look between them, concerned about the defenceless girl inside.
"Mark..." Jeno trailed off, his tone laced with disappointment and frustration.

"We can't just leave her by herself." Renjun argued, anger noticeable.

"WE aren't doing anything." He stated, nodding to Jeno to start the engine.
"I am." He concluded, exiting the car.
"You guys go, I'll stay."
He shut the car door behind him and settled across the street, behind a tree making sure to keep watch over the house.

" He shut the car door behind him and settled across the street, behind a tree making sure to keep watch over the house

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You were terrified to say the least, any little sound made you jump in your skin. The wind hissed against your window and ever so often, you swore you heard noises outside.
You could feel the heart palpitating at an unusual pace and the blood rushing around your body in panic.

A loud crashing sound outside made you shriek. The fear coursed through your veins and you did the only thing you thought of.
You called Mark.

"M-mark I'm scared." You whispered, whimpering as you felt goosebumps arise on thr scar.
"Nothing is there, you're okay." Mark assured, feeling awkward as he'd never been in this position before.

The line was silent for a while, the only reason they both knew the other person was there, was solely through the sound of their breaths.


"Yeah?" He replied, tone laced with sleep.

"Are you under the tree outside my house?"


"You're such an idiot, come inside before you freeze to death."

Um so

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Um so...

I'm back?


so here ya go
Hope u enjoy ;)

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