Just friends ?

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Derek's diary.

November 14th, 2018

I never knew that I could possibly fall for my best friend. And i certainly didn't think that best friend would be Stiles Stilinski. Even I can't admit my feelings for him. I haven't noticed up untill he was my first thought every morning when i woke up, Or when someone told me to think about one person to turn to when the day does gray. It was all Stiles.

Before I figured out my feelings for him, I felt trapped, like there was something missing. And that missing part was Stiles. I never really believed in labels,  so," gay" didn't ever really strike me as myself.  I think that if you fall for someone, you can't undo it.  . But I felt this way for quite a while now. I don't think I can keep it a secret any longer. Because i'm in love with him, I've been ignoring him for a very  long time. He told me I've become " distant, cold"
it hurts me to see him hurt. And it hurts me even more that I'm the reason for his pain. But I just can't ruin our friendship just like that. It will be different if I tell him. Anyways, i think  I'm gonna turn it for the night. I bet the first thing that will come to my head when I wake up is Stiles Stilinski.

November 17th, 2018

I took a big step into my future today. Well, I consider Stiles to be my future. He has always meant so much to me, i just can't imagine my future without him in it. I finally decided to meet up with him. I told him to meet me in the forest, near our flowers. I came a bit late, i wanted to see his head view, that stunning view. As i approached him, i felt like my chest was getting smaller and smaller, like i have forgotten how to breathe. I finally exhaled and put my hands in my pockets. I slowly stepped near the bench and attempted to sit beside Stiles, but he rapidly noticed me and jumped out of his sitting position and rapped his arms around my neck. It was so painful to hug him back. But i did it, which only confirmed my feelings for him even further. As he pulled away i saw tears in his eyes. He was so beautiful. I couldn't stand it anymore. I just blurred it out, like it meant nothing. but it meant so much. ''I love you'' I told him. As i saw his face paralyze, I ran away, and he didn't run after me. I mean, how much of an idiot could i have been? I've ruined it all. I ruined our friendship, which was technically not existant in the first place, because i never really thought of him as my best friend. Tommorow i have school, tommorow he sits next to me in english,tommorow will break me.

November 18th, 2018

I am currently writing this as of November 19th,2018. The day  my heart was broken,crumbled and then fixed. It's 4:30am and i cannot sleep. I cannot sleep because i have butterflies that won't stop blossoming inside of me. I have this unfamiliar feeling, and it's called happiness. I walked into the school halls, not having a single thought in my head, except someone special. The only one i care for. I headed toward english, feeling like vomitting  my insides out.I sat down On an empty space beside me, I didn't even consider him not being here today. I exhaled, licked my lips and put my hands againsts my face. Before i had a chance to let the tears just fall,i felt a slight tap on my back. I quickly turned around, with my blurry eyes, i see the man himself, Stiles. He smiled and I smiled back, pushing back the tears. he sat beside me and mumbled before taking out a massive teddy bear. The words read: 'I love you too, Derek hale'. My heart was stuck in place. I felt like it didn't even beat. In all of the alternative universes that i over thought through out the whole night,I never imagined this to be one of them. Him and me,holding each other. But i'm telling myself this now, i've got him, and he's got me. And i am never letting go. Because he is the man of my dreams. I sat the bear on the table and all i wanted to do was touch him. have him in my arms.I rap my arms around his waist and he puts his arms around my neck. I gently move towards his face, and i find his lips on mine,connected. Our lips were moving  passionately as i felt the world around us dissapear.The taste of him makes me crazy; I am thirsty. I know that this isn't the last time i'm going to feel his lips on mine, but i take in every possible rush and feeling. I was thrilled. My emotions were going wild, but none of those emotions were empty. All of them were filled with  a feeling of lust. I loved him, more than i could ever love anyone.

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