the rebel of belleville high

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teacher!gerard + student!frank


Enough was enough. Gerard had about three seconds before he was ready to throw a fucking book at that little punk-ass motherfucker's head. Gerard liked to think that in the three months he'd been a teacher at Belleville High he had built a decent relationship with his students, they mostly respected him - he was the right balance between fun and strict, hell - he even let them call him by his first name. Frank Iero was a different story, he was one of the eldest in the class of 17-18 year old's but his short height and boyish features made him look a lot younger, that and the fact he hadn't yet grasped the maturity level held by the rest of the students in Advanced English.

Gerard couldn't understand it, Frank was skilled in English - an avid reader and imaginative writer. He'd read through his file and saw that he'd scored top marks on everything since he'd been at this school, grades only slightly faltering when Gerard started teaching. It wasn't that his work slacked, if anything it was his behaviour in class - somehow he always managed to turn in his work on time and up to the highest standard - Gerard couldn't explain it.

He'd tried asking around the other members of staff to see if they had any issues with that particular student, all of the answers were identical - Frank was a gifted student who nearly never got in trouble, so what was the issue with Gerard's class then? Gerard started to watch Frank more closely, trying to work out what triggered his outbursts and immaturity but he couldn't find it. If he wasn't so confused about the boy determined to get underneath his skin he might have found himself in hot water because even Gerard couldn't deny, the boy was fucking beautiful.

The more Gerard analysed him, the more he got somehow invested in him - wanted to know everything about him - what made Frank Iero tick? He wondered if his growing infatuation was becoming obvious to the other students but they were mostly a bunch of nerds, heads stuck so far into their books that they wouldn't glance up even if Gerard were to prance around the classroom naked. Frank wouldn't settle for a lack of audience though, he made it his main goal to get everyone else in class laughing at his stupid pranks and jokes, it would be almost an admirable level of rebellion if Gerard wasn't the one having to deal with a rowdy classroom when they got over excited.

"That's enough Frank-.." Gerard spoke sternly "Sit down please"

He'd been stood on his desk, a peculiar expression on his face as he fake-moaned his way through Juliet's verse from the Shakespeare play they were reading through. Frank of course had found it utterly hilarious how besotted the young character was with her beau, so much so that he took it upon himself to over-exaggerate her declaration of love, much to the amusement of his peers.

"Hold on a second, Gerard-.." Frank sighed, flicking his wrist dismissively "..-I haven't gotten to my favourite part yet-.."

"I said enough, Frank" Gerard raised his voice "Unless you'd rather re-enact your little show in detention after school?"

The classroom was filled with oohs and ahhs as Frank smirked, eyes challenging Gerard's as he pouted "Does that mean I get to show you the next act, y'know - the one where they're fucking?"

Gerard's mouth was a thin straight line at this point, glaring as Frank raised an eyebrow mocking him. The students were all giggling at their clown, waiting for whatever was to come next - like Gerard's English class was just a massive joke to them all, and it was - whenever Frank was up to his tricks.

"Detention, Iero" Gerard spat, tugging at his wrist until he stepped from his desk down onto the floor "And that goes for anyone else who'd rather mess around in my class instead of doing work, Understand me?"

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