Haters gonna get hurt if they dont shut it.

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I now have power over when I shift exept when im mad. I moved out of the mountian and build a new house by Rythians Castle why rythian if I have new powers he helps me control them.

night time.

Duncan invited everyone to a party I did want to go at first but endded up being draged by rythian and zoey right now im flying us there. teep was edgey but was calm for how hes normal with me. I land on top of a tower of duncans castle. I the shift before they get off causeing them to fall. I put a leather jacket that has holes for my wings on and a pair of black boots. I then glide down to duncans yard thing. rythian zoey and tee not far behind. when I land kim hughs me... or more my leg I chuckle.

"Gezz girl you just kerp geting taller. she exclaimed (me-IM USING BIG WORDS MOM ARE YOU FINNAL PROUD OF ME! mom- no me- ok :,[) then dancan came out and saw the short girl clinling to my leg I then start to walk when I enter the room I get stares and lots of then and I knew it wasn't cause I had a full grown woman clinging to my leg. I then fell a sapphire sword to my neck I grab it by the blade and snap it in half I turn to see a very shocked Sjin.

"duncan why did you invit That thing!" Sips yelled my eyes turn slighly more purple.

"IT BROKE MY SWORD!" sjin screamed at duncan my eyes were even more purple now rythian was panicing now but before he could get to me I spoke

"Haters better Shut the hell up before I break more then there sword." I said in a strean vocie both sips a sjin glatmred at me then tryed to attak me I enden up in dragon form in the sky holding them in my claws they were scream I also learned englush as a dragon.

"Ok lets set some rules dont piss me off again or I drop you cauae you to need to shut your loud ass mouths before you get hurt." I say I then drop them into duncans fountian I then land shift back and leave the party ignoring all my friends beggs for me to stay.

next day

I was working on my magic when I feel myself chang again I feel taller I feel like I got clawed at by then enderdragons full paw right on my face. I walked over to the mirror and see I had gotten scales right up covering half my face the eye it covered a dark purple. I was again taller wings and tail bigger claws sharper.

I put on a new blue purple hoodie with stars on it witch was to big on a pair of jeans that I had to extend there length to fit me now I put on my magical boots that alwas fit me. I then set off to rythians house.

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