Fully grown dragon!

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I arrived at rythians house he came out as soon as he saw me.

"Why do I suddenly feel even shorter atound you?" he asked I glare at him.

"okok sorry oh and nice face" that got him a slap witch scarched his mask he laughed.

"ok anyways I did some research and found out that you are now fully grown all thats bedn happening is do to you coming here at the age you did your body was rushing to form the way it was supost to be so ya your full grown now come out sis

de and shift." I groaned he new I hatd shifting in day light but I did. when I did was was big. (thia type of ender dragon is smaller then the enderdragon.) I was about 1/3 the size of the ender dragon rythian got exited I shook my head I then used my magic to go back to my old sise well I can change my size thats good I went to full size told rythian to get on he sat on the top of my head. we flew to duncans castle rythian stood up on my head enjoying him self may be a like to much I then spun causeing him to fall. ge was abot to hit the ground when I grabbed him. we then were at duncans castle duncan ran out to see us. I shrunk down ti old size and the hybrid. he hugged me.

"guess what?" I said he let go and looked at me. "Im  full grown dragon!" we all laugh were all good friends.

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