Chapter Four: Rejection

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Songs for this chapter:

The Man-Ed Sheeran

Not Over You-Gavin DeGraw

I Won't Give Up-Jason Mraz

:)this chapter is juicy


Jace's POV

Standing outside of Clary's room, I thought to myself, I am ready.

I knocked on the door.

It opened. There she was. Long, curly, red hair. Perfectly shaped, plump lips. Piercing green eyes, staring at me in disbelief. "J-Jace?" she said softly with a tone of uneasiness in her voice. Her voice. Oh, I missed the sweet sound of it.

"Hi.." I managed to sputter out. Pathetic of me.

"Hi? That's what you choose to say to me?" Clary's voice was already starting to rise. Anger was also rising in her, I noticed. She made a swift movement to shut the door on my face, but I was faster. I jammed my foot in the door way and the door slammed on it. OW, I thought. Well, I guess she also got even stronger in the time she was gone. I pushed open the door.

"Clary, please. Clary." She finally looked at me. "Just listen to me. Let me explain myself. You never answered my calls, and you changed your number. You never gave me a chance." my voice was pleading, I could hear how desperate I sounded.

"I never had a reason to give you a chance, Jace."

"Please. It's been a year and you never knew why I did what I did. You never knew that I never stopped loving you, even after a year of you ignoring me." I was begging her now.

"Can't you tell that she doesn't want to talk to you?" said a voice I had never heard before. The same guy that had his arm around Clary earlier, stood up and walked over in front of her. I didn't notice he was here before. He was about an inch taller than me, with dirty blond hair and bluish green eyes that were shooting daggers at me. What was he doing, alone with her, in this room?

"Thank you, Justin, but I can handle this myself." said Clary. Justin. So that was his name. He shot me a reproachful look then went to stand behind Clary.

"Jace. I think-I think you should go. Maybe we can talk another time, but not now. I'm not ready." her voice was no longer weak, but strong and confident.

I began to fill with disappointment and despair, but I only let it show on my face for a moment until I masked it with a blank expression.

"Fine." I said with a cracked voice. Stop showing your weakness, I thought to myself as I turned on my heel and walked as fast as I could, to the training room.


Clary's POV

To be honest, I felt bad for what I just did. I never stopped loving you, he said to me. I realize now that I should've really given him a chance. Oh, well. He'll get it eventually. The look on his face when I told him to leave could've broken my heart if he hadn't broken it once before. It just made me want to hold him until he was okay again. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I remembered that Justin was still in the room with me. He was sitting at the edge of my bed, with his hands covering his face. I sat down next to him and gently removed his hands. He looked at me with concern and protectiveness.

"What were you going to say before?" I asked him softly. He gave me a small smile.

"Now isn't a good time. I think it can wait." he said gently. He took my hands and held them tightly. It sent a shiver down my spine. Then he looked in my eyes and said, "I don't take back what I said before, you know. I would do anything you would want me to do. And...the offer of kicking Jace's ass is still on the table too." We both burst out laughing at that. Then, with a quickening heart beat, I cupped my hands over his and gazed deep into his eyes. They were the color of the sea water in California. "Thank you." I whispered. I let a few moments pass, then I stood up and muttered something to Justin about getting food. He also got up and said, "There's something I have to do, too."

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