Chapter 12

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Metal knew he had beaten the admiral and Kaizo once while he was using Inferno, but there was an unexplainable pleasure when your fist made contact with the people you absolutely despise.

Of course, again, he was unbeatable. Tarung had only managed to get one hit, but Metal brushed it off like a strand of hair. Annoying, sure, but there's no real damage. It's annoying to those who have long hair. Like, do you know how annoying it is to have hair stuck in your mouth?

Oh, off topic. Sorry, sorry. What really happened was Metal showed no mercy. He was your typical hot gangster that hated everyone and would rather use his fists to get something rather than talking over it. He listens to no one whatsoever, similar to Storm and Hurricane.

What am I doing. I took Mommy Quake, Daddy Thunderstorm and Baby Cyclone, put them through my weird and clichéd imagination and turn them into rebellious teenagers that positively hate everyone else.

"Boboiboy, stop this assault immediately!" Ciciko stuttered.

Metal punched Tarung across the room. "You're the ones that brought me here in the first place!"

His outburst attracted attention. A lot of them. Suddenly his former team was summoned and tried to hold him back, but Lo and Behold, they never stood a chance. Yaya went fist to fist with him and boom! She's out of the match. Fang's shadow beasts got shredded like it was made of paper. Gopal did nothing. He hit with Ciciko. Ying tried to slow time but his attacks made it hard for her to concentrate.

Five minutes later, Metal was lording over all of them, his hair lowered over his eyes like a grim reaper.

"I'm feeling merciful today, so you're lucky you got away with your lives!" he snarked. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have another beating to give."

Instead of attacking the rest of the station with knuckle sandwiches, he returned to earth with a ship he'd hijacked from TAPOPS, and straight to Pulau Rintis. Now, he's not doing this because he cares for them. He's doing this because he wants them out of his life once and for all.

The ship descended at the Pulau Rintis harbour. It was abandoned and destroyed. The ships had all sunk. The wooden harbour began to rot due to neglection. The island was riddled with smoke and metal.

Metal reverted to Boboiboy. He can't have felt more annoyed in his entire life. Cautiously, he approached the centre of the island where the cocoa stand used to stand. It was manufactured by alien technology and robots to create more cocoa for Vargoba to use.

Boboiboy looked around. Other than the active machine and robots, there was no sign of life. The grass was burnt. Scrap metal was littered everywhere.

He hid behind a withered tree, careful to notice any alien movement. Could Vargoba be here? Would he show up if he destroys his supply? One way to find out.

Destroying the machines in an instant would get no attention. It would have been passed off as a malfunction. So he needed to use the most destructive, most spontaneous, the most random elements he could think of.

You could guess what happened next. A bright glow later, Inferno, Hurricane and Forest were destroying everything they could land their eyes on. Inferno set everything on fire. Hurricane made it worse. Forest just sat by the robots and smiled warmly as his lime green vines tore them to shreds.

Forest was the evolution of Thorn, so you know how he is. He's not as innocent and naïve. He's aware of the charm he possesses and plays people's minds. He seduces people. He makes you think that smoking is a good idea. It's not.

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