💜💜Part 28💜💜

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9th March 2015

Hari ini masa di office, sekitar jam 11:25 am, Jeon Rye call saya yang Baby Saw menangis saja ni dan mula sudah panas badan dan muntah-muntah.

Saya sempat send whatsapps untuk Uncle Park yang Baby Saw sakit.

📱Saya: I need to bring Baby Saw to hospital, Baby Saw sick.
📱Uncle Park: Bring him to Seoul National University Hospital immediately. Ask Min Soo to drive you there, hopefully all is okay.
📱Saya: Okay.

Saya pun inform Byeong Yi yang saya mau hantar Baby Saw pigi hospital dan suruh Min Soo sedia-sedia sebab mau minta tolong hantar pigi hospital.

Saya naik saja di bilik, Jeon Rye sedang gendong Baby Saw sambil sediakan barang-barang untuk Baby Saw.

Saya pun pack sikit baju untuk saya, just in case Baby Saw kena tahan di hospital.

Saya: Jeon Rye, give me Baby Saw, are you done preparing Baby Saw's things?

Jeon Rye: Yes Agasshi.

Saya: Come we go to hospital.

Kami pun cepat-cepat turun. Nasib baik tidak sudah kuat Baby Saw nangis, mungkin dia penat sudah nangis.

Saya: Min Soo Ssi, please go to Seoul National University Hospital.

Min Soo: Ne Agasshi.

Sampai saja di hospital terus Baby Saw kena masuk dalam bilik rawatan. Kami sudah explain sama tu doctor yang Baby Saw menangis saja, panas badan dan muntah-muntah.

Sementara Baby Saw kena rawat, saya dan Jeon Rye pigi urus registration Baby Saw.

Lepas siap registration kami balik di luar tu bilik rawatan.

30 minit kemudian doctor pun keluar dan Nurses sorong sudah bed Baby Saw keluar.

Doctor: Scarlet Ssi, your Baby is okay it's symptom of teeth growth. I already give him medicine to lower his fever and now he is sleeping. Nurses will bring him to his ward now. We still need to check his condition time to time. If he getting better, tomorrow afternoon he can discharge.

Saya: Thank you Doctor.

Doctor: Welcome.

Kami pun mengekori Nurses yang sedang menyorong katil Baby Saw ke ward.

Di pintu bilik tertulis 'VVIP Room No.4 - Patient : Park Chi Saw'

Bila masuk saja dalam tu bilik satu saja ni katil.

Saya: Nurse, is it the right room?

Nurse 1: Yes, its the right room, VVIP Room No. 4, for Park Chi Saw it's written clearly in the patient file. Why?

Saya: Coz I thought just now I fill up the registration form I tick for four beds.

Nurse 2: That part only applicable for ordinary person, but for 'Park Clan' it's been set to VVIP Room, maybe your husband didn't tell you, he supposed brief you about that matter.

Saya: Okay thank you.

Kedua-dua nurse tu pun keluar. Saya pun mencapai handphone dan call Min Soo dorang boleh balik dan sebelum itu suruh dia hantar Jeon Rye balik.

Saya: Jeon Rye, I will take care of Baby Saw tonight, you can go back now. I will inform you when Baby Saw discharge.

Jeon Rye: Are you okay Agasshi?

Saya: Yes, you can go back now.

Selepas Jeon Rye keluar terus saya capai handphone saya dan check whatsapps. Ada 5 whatsapps dari Uncle Park.

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