Everything is Gold

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At this point, I'd been to multiple parties but this one was amazing. It was a penthouse party on the top of a tall hotel, way fancier than ours, of course. The music shook the house and people were dancing like crazy to the beat. Gold was everywhere. It was in the balloons floating about, or being thrown around. They were on strings hanging from the ceilings, and they were even as decal on the tables and chairs. Even gold colored lights raved the room to the songs. I was beyond astounded at this point.

"Drinks!" Rose pointed to a man in a black shot carrying a tray, a gold one of course, filled with alcoholic beverages that were dressed in perfection with fruits and little umbrellas. She grabbed the both of or hands and dragged us over to him. He smiled when he saw us approaching.

"Hello girls! What would you like!?" I eyed the fancy purple on.

"Which one is this one?!" I pointed my to it, yelling over the music.

"Ah! This one is Rouge avec Bleu! A fancy wine, extremely expensive, but this is complimentary of course," He took it of the tray and handed it to me. I gasped, taking it.

Meg and Rose ordered there drinks and we finally walked off, illegally drinking our obnoxiously expensive alcohol in peace.

We danced a while, slowly of course to avoid spilling our tasty drinks. I almost forgot the only reason we were here was to 'connect'. It was hard to do when everyone seemed to be in their own world and assuringly more interesting conversations. Meg and Rose eventually left to the bathroom and I had to assure them I'd be fine alone. I never like being in bathrooms that weren't mine.

So, there I stood alone, wondering around like a lost puppy. I recognized a few familiar faces here and there, but I knew this wasn't the place to be starstruck. Alas, I decided to start my journey with networking. I saw Parker do it, and all he did was just walk up to people and start a conversation. Now who could I start a conversation with?

I did a full 360...or tried to. When I almost did a 180, a body hit me, causing my Rouge avec Bleu! It landed on a girl, some girl, who I'd never seen before. Now, there was a massive red stain on her white dress and my mouth dropped, and my words went away. Should I run? I should run. But what was stopping me? Oh yeah, my stupid feet! "I...I...I'm so sorry!"

She screamed so loudly, even over the music. "You idiot! Are you blind? Dumb even?!" I didn't know what to do, but I tried to help somehow.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you! I'm-" I tried rubbing it off, but she slapped my hand.

"This is custom Fairmënt!" She screamed again, out of frustration as she eyed her dress. I felt eyes on me and soon a body slithered through the crowd to us.

"Baby what's...oh shit!" I looked up, and my eyes widened. Jace? JACE?! What was he doing here?!?

"This...thing...spilt its drink on me!" He looked at me, and looked shocked.


"You know its name?!" He rolled his eyes, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Let's go get you cleaned up," I insisted.

"I'll help!" She scoffed loudly.

"Gross," She turned around and they walked away. I wanted to help, I really did. I felt so bad, and I didn't even know what to do. Now, all of the eyes were gone as everyone minded their business again. I did the same.

I eventually met a girl name Teto, who was intrigued by the chaos I caused. "She's a bitch," Was all she needed when referring to the girl who I learned was named Cleo. "Her dad's a bazillionaire he owns this hotel,"

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