Chapter Twelve: That's Not Serphina

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
I walk into Starbucks. I take a seat next to the window. I look out the window. After a minute or so, I got a phone call. It was from Alex. I just stare at it. Why is she calling me? I thought before answering. "(Y/N)! You need to go to the DEO!!" Alex yelled, panicking. "Ok" I said before hanging up and running out of Starbucks. I jump as high as I could. I land on top of a flat roof.
~Time Skip~
I soon make it to the DEO. I land onto the balcony to see two DEO agents holding down Serphina as she squirms. "Serphina?!" I said, shocked. I ran inside. She looks at me with bright green eyes. "MONSTER!" Serphina yelled. I stop. "You took her away from me! My own sister!" Serphina yelled, squirming more. I felt heart broken. She was still mad at me. She thinks I'm a Monster. Suddenly, Serphina throws the agents off of her, and ran at me with pure rage in her eyes. She rams into me, making me fall. "(Y/N)!" Kara yelled. I look into Serphina eyes. Their suppose to be Amber, not green! I quickly get and grab her collar, lifting her up as high as I can. I was feeling rage, sadness, and guilt. Serphina squirms and slashes at my wrist. It hurts, but I kept a strong grip. Who did this to you, sister? I thought. I drop her and knock her out. I look at everyone else. They have shocked faces. "Keep her captive" I said as I stomp towards the balcony. "And where are you going?" Alex said. I stop. I turn to Alex and Kara. "I'm going to find whoever turned Serphina into a Monster" I said before jumping off the balcony.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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