*Recently known as Where I Belong*
You know that story about the girl who chased a rabbit and fell in a magical hole in which lead her to another world?
Well this story is different?
Expect in this story.... it's About a girl who doesn't know wher...
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Holly P.O.V
"Hello" I whisper quietly.
"My my you look at how distress you are and my favorite kind you look afraid" I see a smile floating and tow yellow cat eyes floating around.
"What do you want," I tell it.
"My dear I want nothing more than to bring you home," Cashmere says.
"What home," I tell Cashmere as he keeps floating around me.
"The one you were born in," his slithering voice says.
"And where is that one" i ask it how does a stupid cat know where I was born when I myself don't even know where all I know is that I was found in woods near a campsite and not even in a box or in basket I was found in I was found with just a baby red black onesie and a white baby beanie.
"Beneath the ground" all Cashmere does is continue to float around me.
"Soi was born in hell?"
Cashmere lets out a quite yet lightly sinister
"You could say that" he stops floating as he stops at my bed and lays.
"You better hurry darling you don't want get mad with normal people around," he says as his smile forms again reaching his eyes as he gets up and floats out my window as his smile fades into the woods.
Slowly the sun rises I quickly go to the closet and take out black leggings and my boots a grey t-shirt and a black cardigan as I put my hair into a high messy ponytail and grab my pack back. And head out the door as quietly as possible.
"Where are you going" Maddie stops me halfway her red hair is all over the place.
Seriously how is this girl always up before I leave?
"Um to school early," I tell her.
"Oh okay," she walks back upstairs to her room I swear she's starting to act oddly then what I saw.
I turn back to the forest the same I took yesterday before whatever happened to me made go all crazy.
Once I make it to the center where everything happened I look around nothing is here tried to look on the ground moving any leaves I could find and nothing just dirt and leaves. then I heard a brush move I quickly stand up and I hear it aging then I turn around see a bush behind me it rattles as if its a match as I'm about to touch it something just in front of me to see a white rabbit I bend down to its leave the rabbit looks at me tilting his head side to side standing up jumps forward as I fall back to see the rabbit hop into the forest deeper I qquilcy get up to chase after it moving leaves out of my the rabbit make a stop looking back and forth before hoping in something.
once he's gone I quickly go to where the rabbit left in I move the bushes out of the way to see a small hole I put my hand in it taking my chance and the hole seemed to go down rather than go upward. I stand Up maybe
if I get a shovel from the school and can make it bigger?
I quickly cover the whole with the bushes aging and make my way to school walking out of the woods putting my hoodie on. walking by the sidewalk.
I open the door of the school to see the hall full I quickly got to my locker opened I
it taking my books out. I actually have to go to school in order to get the shovel.
"Hey, Holly" I hear a movie say making me jump my turn around to see Maddie looking at me with a big fucking smile on her face,
"Hi, Maddi," I tell her as I walk past her. holding my books. on one hand and my pack back hanging off my shoulders
"Do you want to have lunch with Me at lunchtime today?" I stop walking let a breathe close my eyes and turn around giving her a small smile.
"sure," I tell her as I turn back around and start walking to my class
you know how it agreed to sit with Maddie during lunch yeah well now she won't stop up and I don't know what she's talking about. all I get is that she thinks is tea time and says weird riddles and laughs out of no were.
"you know you highness you are acting really normal which is really scary and let me tell you, my queen, normal people freak me out" Maddie start to laugh as I stare at her weirdly her eyes look dilated her pupils looks to took blacken her bright green eyes.
"Maddie are you okay?" I tell her as she laughs even more than she suddenly stops like a switch went off in. her head and her mood turned to happy to mad really quick she looks to be clearing ay someone behind me I turn around to see shes glaring at none other than Ivy
"The white queen's Offspring is about hideous she looks like she belongs in OZ other than wonderland" She as she suddenly starts to laugh.
"Now I'm going to go look for Herbers," She says as she stands up and skips away.
not into the school shes skipping into the woods I quickly get head back into the school running in halls looks at the glass doors I make a right turn I find the schools lawn mnas room I open it and go inside as the door closes behind me I go to the side of the door turn on the light and I look around my eyes land on the thing I came here for I quickly grab the shovel. before I open the door it flings open to see Ivy and Alec making out my shovel falls out of my hand causing them to separate.
"What Hell are you doing you?" Ivy says as she glares at me roll my eyes pick up the shovel walking between them.
"Where the hell are you going with a shovel"I hear Alec shout with looking back I ride my hand and flip him off making my way outside were Maddie and I had lunch I make my way to the woods.
Hello you wonderful people im sorry for the late update i finally got a laptop and i can write more and can update faster. i wrote this chpater while listing to Ariana grande new album and let me tell you good album anyways sorry for short chapter i like to call these type of chapters filler ones that are kinda boring like this just so it can lead up to the bigger stuff.
what do you think Maddie is up too?
what are your conspiracy theories?
Until next time Sending love to you all,
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