Chapter 9

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Holly Heart POV

I quickly pull away and find Cheshire yellow glowing eyes looking straight at us his sharp teeth turned into a smile, hey yellow cat eyes caught the book in my lap his smile then disappears. The silence thick as the wind hallos as if your going high speed through the air, the moonlight shining down through my window.

"I see you found the book," Cheshire says as his eyes narrow to the book his big eyelids covering half his eye. I look back at Alec who just glaring back at Cheshire.

"Don't give me that look alec I know you don't trust me?" he says laughing he I believe he turning his head because now his lips are where his eyes used to be and his eyes are now where his lips used to be.

'Your just like your mother she didn't trust me at all as well" I look at Alec to see his hands balled up his knucks turning white I put my hand over his expecting for his to pull away but he doesn't he relax under my touch, I move my attention back to Cheshire I quickly stand up and stand across from him not to far and not to close.

"How do you know Alec's parents?" I tell him as he moves his eyes so he looks directly straight at mine as his smile aging reach his eyes.

"My dear Holly I know all your parents" I feel my heart speed up my legs start to shake but doubt takes up my mind is this cat really telling us the truth or is he toying with us. But the doubt that I have is like a tiny drop of salt but I believe him and I have been ever since he should up the first time I meet him.

"All the answer to your questions are that book," He says. "Let the book be your map for the way back home" is all he says as see him float away from the window I clench my jaw go to the window and sal it shut and turn to face Alec who is not sitting the edge of the bed looking at his lap.

I swear Cheshire is the worst person to ask for anything he does is say riddles and make this shit last longer then it should be he could have just told me from the beginning like why go through so much trouble just to have me run around like an idiot.

feeling my anger rise I take a seat next to Alec and grab a pillow and scream into it and then throw to the ground.

"This has been happening and you didn't tell anyone about this. Alec says his voice round he sounded angry.

"Alec what the hell was I suppose to say that a bodyless cat with floating eyes and smile comes and visits me at night," I tell him. "People will think I'm crazy and throw me in an insane asylum," I tell him.

"Look this is a lot to take in is going to head to bed plus we have school tomorrow," he says as he gets up as I look at his boarded back he gives me one last look and then heads out closing the door quietly.
I lay my back to my bed staring at the ceiling I close my eyes and fun my hand through my face, I quickly sit up and walk to my draw and take my PJs that was just a part of red shorts and a night black cami. And turn off my lights but leave my bed lights on as I slid into the covers sitting as I grab the book looking the cover of it as I am about to open it my door is open.

Alec standing there shirtless with a pair of sweat pants,

"Hey" is all that can come out his abs arent to define just slightly my guess is this boy spends his time being a pot head then taking steroids.

"I can't sleep" is all he says

"And that's my problem how?" I tell him "Why don't you go sleep with Ivy or something," I tell him as glares at me his jaw is now clenched.

"Look I just came here to see if you can help me but since your being a bitch Il--" Alec is about to turn back before I stop him.

"No, maybe you can help with this" tell him holding up the book up to him as he lets off a sight I hope of defeat and moves his hands to his face.

'I told you I need time to think" Is all he says.

'Then why are you here then"I tell him.

"Because I can't sleep and I can't go to Ivy room because somehow she cants comprehend the not straight attached now I come to find out that she been telling every girl that I was her boyfriend' he says

"What about the blondie' I tell him

"What about her?'

"How come you can fuck her than" I'm getting way to exudes over his drama

"Because she- you know what holly if you're not going to help me then"

"Woah Woah wait you want to have sex in order for you to go to sleep?" I look back at Alec who stands there quietly closing the door behind him as he leans on it with his back he serious isn't he.

"You are a disgusting piece of shit" is all I say.

"So will you" he replies back.

"No, what the fuck Alec' he about to open the door when I quickly get up to stop him I put my hand in his shoulder and turn him around suddenly his hands go to waste as t then slap them down and glare at him.

"First I don't want to fuck you and second I can help you sleep by talking maybe that can help you, "I tell him " Or I can read you a bedtime story" I hold the book up to his face. He then groans getting bitchy like alway I then slap his face.

"Alec you either he stay here and help get fucking answer or you can go fuck ivy and get you damn sleep" his eyes darken his pupils not dilated takins over his blue ires his jaw is clenched his cheek now red I wait for him to say something or do something but what he does next shock me.

He walks over my bed and sets down to the edge of the bed across of my headboard I ductile it then moves back into my covers and set across from him I stay quite looking at him as if I hear dear lights on my head.

"Are you going to open the damn book or keep looking at me as if your going to shit?" he says as I open the then book to the first page. And give it to Alec.

"Read the first chapter" he looks at as if I gave him the wrong piece of cake.

'You read the first chapter you slapped me. "It either you read the first chapter or you take notes," I tell him as I hold up a small notebook and pen from the drawer from r beside me.

"Your choice," Alec lets out a sigh and look down at the book and begins reading and I start writing down notes down we then switch off every new chapter Alec then moves to sit next to me just so we can work better throughout the night. But for Alec, he was already asleep during chapter four and as for I didn't even make it that far either I was in the middle of reading chapter five when my eyes closed and I let sleep consume.




what do you think would happen next?

until next time.....

until next time

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