Chapter 10

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Holly Heart POV

I can feel the sunburn into my eyelids all I can see is red-orange I open my eyes adjusting to the sun, but that's when I feel an arm pull me closer I look at my waste to find Alec arm around it. I look at his arm then back to his face, I try to get up when Alec grabs my waste and turns my whole body so I'm facing him as he hugs her closer to him with his have now in the crook of my neck. I try to push him off but every time I try he holds me tighter, I let out a sigh and just stop.

"Alec" I whisper yell at him but he doesn't budge.

"Alec," I say a tad bit louder. Alec then shot his eyes open as he pushed me off my bed as I land on the ground and I sit up rubbing my back looking at him as he runs a hand over his face.

"You know you didn't have to push me off my own damn bed," I tell him as his blue eyes look at me.

"Well, what do you expect I do waking up next to you" His moring voice catching me off guard.

"You didn't have to cuddle with me you know," I tell him as he glares at me. As I look at the book on the nightstand I then grab it I look around for the notebook to find it at the end of the bed. As I look back at Alec.

"Do you really think that wonderland is really our home?" He says as I sit on the bed my back facing him as I turn my head to see him looking at him, I then open the notes he wrote he has better handwriting then I and he wrote in cursive.

"I don't unless we go down the damn rabbit hole in the forest" I tell him as I read over the notes that are in bullet points all the important parts of the book I read over my eyes land on *Alice falls into the hole oh hell no I'm not falling in the damn hole what if there isn't I fucking bed at the end this story was written centuries ago what if the bed isn't there and we break every bone of our body and the Drink Me potion how do we know that's still there.

"But what I know how is this all possible?" I would like to know too how is a fairytale book real bt better question are they all real?

"Look once we figure out how to get down we ask whoever is there," I tell him.

"Why can't we just ask Cheshire," Alec says as I turn to him a groan looking up as I run my hand across my face.

"Because Alec Cheshire is useless on telling us shit" I recall " he made go to the library just to find a freaking children book and the worst part he wonders even tell us the name of it had our scavenger hunt for it," I tell him

Asking Cheshire for answers is like asking your dad if you could go out and he tells you to ask your mom and then she tells you to ask your dad, it like an endless road Cheshire.

"Holly what other choice do we have," He told me.

"So let me get this straight you want me to fall down the rabbit and expect me to land on a bed and to drink a magic position?" Alec looks at me like a grew two head, in my case he needs to grow two brains if he wants me to fall into a hole into my death.

"Alec its fucking suicide what If the bed is not there or the postin what hell are we suppose to do then huh?" I swear this guy is so curious and does shit without thinking like Alec jr. those two just love to make shitty mistakes.

"You know that I have a better idea why don't we get someone to go in for us," I tell him.

"Like who?"

"Uh Ivy"

"She wouldn't want to Volunteer, "He says as roll my eyes.

"Who said anything about volunteering," I tell him " I was just going to lure her in then push her in" Alec then glares at me as I flip him off I mean I did everyone a favor no one likes her.


(Time Jump)

After arguing for thirty minutes about who going in the damn rabbit hole we have come into a conclusion to go to the forest and figure of a safer plan, as Alec likes to say I still selected to throw Ivy in there.

I crouch down and remove the shrubs to the side from the rabbit hole I then stand up and look at Alec.

"This is it," He says as I look back down at it and then back at Alec.

"Yup" Is all I tell him.

"I expected it to be bigger"

"Will it be smaller burthen I made t bigger hitting the sides with the show" where did that shovel go? I look around as I see it in the bushes oh there it is.

"So Mr. 'guineas' whats the plan" Alec then crouches down and I believe examine the hole he then grabs a pebble from next to him and he drops it in there he doesn't hear the in pact immediately and all I can hear is the wind then after a few seconds he heard it hit the floor but it was so tiny that it just heard as a pin dropped on the floor.

"And you wanted me to "fall down there" Alec then stands up and turns his body towards me.

"Look if we get long enough rope and tie it to the tree we can get down there together," He says oh I finally activated his only brain cell.

"So all need is rope's," I tell him

"Look I think Wanda has a rope in the shed, then we can check the school tomorrow and we can tie them on together," He says she had a shed the whole fucking time =.

'We had a fucking shed this whole fucking time" I tell him as he walks past me before he can make it to the trail he stops and turns to me.

"Are you coming or are you going to stand there and look con constipated" I glare at him and cover the hole with the rubbish.


After walking all the way home we make it to the front porch where Maddie is sitting in one of the chairs with her feet up. And Ivy leaning on the wall, great she just loves to pop up when the day is going good.

I step on the first step when Ivy notices me as she stands in front with her arms across her chest and gives me a tight smile. I 'gladly' giver the same one as I turn my body to Alec who is looking at me.

"Hey, why? Don't you tell your girlfriend to move or ill push her" he lets out a sigh runs hands through his face and looks to me.

"She's not my fucking girlfriend," He says and my guess he said loud enough for her to hear.

I take I'm going with plan B I start to walk upstairs and push Ivy to the side where she lands on the chair next to her as I turn top Maddie whos is on her phone not even caring.

Oh how much I wish I was in positions Maddie was in right now. I open the front door and make my way across to the back door with Alec training behind me.


Well, the chapter is here hope you enjoyed it!!!!


What do you think will happen next and theories??

until next time :)

until next time :)

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