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rosie's p.o.v


i feel my tail, horns and wings hide themselves back in my body, my eyes cool back to blue. the only sign that i just role played as a demon the red metal in my hand.

"oh jeez" i take a deep breath and turn around to face my dad "i really needed to do that".

"you just scared the shit out of me i thought you were-" he stops mid sentence.

"i was dead, yeah me too. it took me a minute to realise i wasn't actually lying in the pits of hell" i take a few shaky steps towards him. the pain in my stomach is actually growing quite rapidly and i'm not really sure why.

dad shakes his head, pulling himself to his own feet and closing the gap between us. his arms wrap around me, hugging me tight to his chest, his hands tangled in my hair "you're grounded".

"thank you" my confident tone melts into a sniffle and i breathe in his warm scent. he smells like home, always has and always will. "i've missed you" i mumble into his t-shirt.

"we've only been apart for a few hours rosie" he chuckles.

i shake my head "no, you know what i mean. i never see you anymore and when you think you're dying you realise that you care more about things than you thought you did and i miss you" tears fall from my eyes a little faster than they were falling before.

dad doesn't respond, instead unwrapping one arm from around me and tapping his ear "hey".

"all wrapped up here sir, will there be anything else?" jarvis asks.

"you know what to do" dad responds, staring right into my eyes.

"the clean slate protocol, sir?".

"screw it it's christmas, yes, yes" he replies before wrapping his arms around me again. i almost jump out of my skin when one of the suits erupts above, quickly followed by the rest, all exploding like fireworks.

dad pressed his face into my hair for a moment, planting a kids on my head before asking "okay so far, you like it?".

i nod, a little too in pain to respond verbally. in fact, i actually feel a little bit like i'm dying.

i push dad off of me slightly, maybe if i have some space then my body will sort itself out. of course my logic is bullshit, this doesn't feel like my body is going to sort itself out. he stares at me, unsure as to what's going on.

my knees buckle slightly beneath me and i abruptly fall onto my bum, closing my eyes at the pain that shoots through my body.

"roo? honey talk to me" the panic that i thought we'd said goodbye to returns to his voice as he crouches down in front of me "what's wrong?".

i let out a small cry "i don't know, it hurts".

dad's eyes search me up and down "what hurts rosie? where are you hurt?".

i open my mouth to respond but all that comes out is another cry of pain. i can feel heat rising in my cheeks as hot tears stream down them, the agony causing me to become anxious. i grip my side and start to squirm, desperate for the pain to stop.

dad grabs my shoulders and gently pushes me back to lie on the ground "jarvis give it to me".

"miss stark's powers seem to have combatted the extremis and removed it from her system, however the bullet from an earlier gun wound is still in her body and is currently causing internal bleeding in her abdomen. she requires urgent medical attention" jarvis informs dad, just as i turn my head to the side and vomit what looks horrifyingly like blood.

dad stares at it too for a moment before focusing his attention back on me "can i move her?".

"any movement may further rupture miss stark's internal organs".

his eyes continue to search my body as if he's going to suddenly find the answer to our problems hidden in my pocket or whatever "how long for an ambulance?".

"emergency services are already on their way, i have notified them of your location and rosalie's condition. i suggest you keep her awake whilst you wait".

i throw up blood three more times before the ambulance arrives, my vision fading in and out, accompanied by white spots and black borders.

dad wouldn't let me sleep, but it's all i wanted to do, and even in the ambulance the paramedics keep urging me to stay awake.

an oxygen mask sits upon my face, ensuring that i can actually breathe which is quite helpful. i'm attached to a few different wires and machines but i'm not really sure what they're for and my brain really isn't in the mood for much in depth thought.

dad sits to the side of me, his hands clamping mine between them. he keeps talking to me but i can't really make out his words anymore. i find comfort in his presence though, i just want to be with my dad. always. he's my favourite person in the world.

my vision fades out again and i have to blink a few times for it to come back.

i realise suddenly that i can't feel anything anymore, they must have given me some form of painkiller, something strong, because the whole world is floating and i feel kind of numb.

dad takes one hand away from mine to brush hair out of my face, still talking the entire time. i hope he isn't saying anything important because i have no idea what it is that he's rambling on about.

it's that thought that triggers the next, that if i can't hear anything or anyone then i won't have anyone nagging me to stay awake. i know it's because they don't want me to die and all but i'm so exhausted that i can't bring myself to care. i just want to sleep. so i will.

my eyelids droop and the warmth of sleep takes over my body.

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