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Rosie's p.o.v

I duck my body to avoid a bullet shot in my direction, the quick movement causing my head to spin a little. Jumping back to my feet, I shoot an arrow towards the Hydra agent and pray that I hit him. The grunt that follows from that general area confirms my shot.

Clint gives me a nod just as Nat kicks a drone that approached the car. With a glance around I decide that Clint probably has this handled, and jump off of the vehicle. Opening my wings, I dive through a cluster of trees, avoiding bullets and lasers shot towards me.

I keep myself focused on the area around Clint and Nat, the least protected of the avengers. Every time something gets too close or too angry, I take it out with an arrow. It's nice to be able to actually do something. Dad wasn't going to let me come but I raised the point that I'd find a way to fly there anyway and he couldn't argue with that. I mean, he could, but I'd win.

Thor jumps up onto a watchtower, wiping at least ten of the guards out at once without the Mjolnir, just his literal bare hands. He jumps down to keep fighting with a few more and at that moment Cap drives past on a motorbike, grabbing the guard by the leg and dragging him along behind him.

My lack of attention means that I don't realise the drone flying towards me until the last minute when we both go tumbling out of the sky. I tuck my head in and roll as we hit the snow, immediately grabbing his metal fist with my free hand and decapitating him with the one holding my bow. The tin helmet rolls away as I stand up, dusting myself off and checking for injuries. None, that's handy.

"Roos, you good?" Steve shouts from a few meters away, his shield in hand as he absentmindedly hits a soldier away. It's crazy how easy this kind of thing has become.

Before I get a chance to answer, mother hen of the year gets there first "Why wouldn't Roos be good? Talk to me Rosie".

"Roos is fine" I roll my eyes and shake some snow out of my wings "chill out".

A ball of green crashes through the trees in front of me and I grin as I watch Hulk throw the car that was tailing Nat and Clint. I throw myself back into the chaos, hitting guards left and right with my arrows and occasionally using the bow itself. I haven't been using my raw powers, I'm still working on controlling them enough to trust them.

We continue to follow the road, up until we reach a fence. Nat and Clint abandon ship, leaping from the car as everything seems to go in slow motion. I take off into the air so I don't fall off the ledge, everyone else seems to follow suit.

When they land, my favourite bit begins, the beginning of the end, the winning.

Dad flies up towards the building and I follow suit, it's quite a long way and he has thrusters so I'm trying my best to keep up. Breathing becomes second to beating my dad, yet I still fall short of a few meters, slowing my pace as he reaches the roof.

Then, "Shit!" he curses, the area which he tried to hit lights up blue likes some kind of force-field. A smirk finds it's way onto my face as I too hit the building, but nothing happens.

"Language!" Cap scolds, but I hardly register it with his next comment "Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?".

I land on one of the walls, placing my hand on the stone and feeling an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken, however Miss Potts-Stark appears to be immune" The faithful ai provides.

I laugh out loud as I hit my bow against the lock keeping the door shut and it smashes into pieces, the doors swinging open in a warm welcome "And in another episode of Rosalie is superior to her dad, I'm in".

Dad responds with an unintelligible grumble which confirms my victory. However it's short-lived, for the second time in the past three minutes I don't realise approaching danger, and I don't completely get shot but the bullet made contact with my right side and it's bleeding.

"Fuck" I announce to the team as i exhale heavily.

"Language, Roo" Steve tells me but to be fair in the moment the pain kind of outweighs my 'language'.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last" Thor's voice lowers.

I look down at the bleeding in my side, lifting my top I discover that although there's definitely a wound, it's not too deep. It can wait.

"Roos are you alright?" Dad asks over the comms.

I contemplate my answer before I give it "Yeah fine, just forgot to use my wings for a moment and scared myself".

"Alright, be careful in there, wait for me if you need to".

I nod despite the fact that he can't see me "I should be fine, but you're in my ear anyways.. gotta go there's people with guns".

I turn my attention towards the guards running towards me, guns raised. I can't help but mentally face palm. Rule number one is shoot me before I see you.. actually no, rule number one is don't try to shoot me at all. I will win.

In circumstances like these, I don't mind using my powers. "Careful what you're doing with those guns!" I throw my hands in the air in mock exasperation moments before they shoot. As the bullets fly towards me, I send them right back at the offenders. In a split second they're all on the ground. "I was going to say that you were going to hurt yourselves but I suppose it's too late now" I tut as I step over their bodies.

Now I'm really in.

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