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Rosie's p.o.v

The blood in my side is still sleeping when we make it back to the tower, Steve is carrying me, his strong arms wrapped around my body, but that's not what I'm thinking about.

I can't get the images out of my head, people I partied with when I was eight, people that watched me get crowned.. trying to kill me, calling me a freak.


They're going to find out, unless they have already, they're going to find out about my human dad and they're going to try to kill me.


Someone's going to snitch, whether it's my mother or one of my siblings.. or Loki.. But they wouldn't, would they?

"Roo come on baby".

"What happened?"

"I don't know she won't talk to us, looks like she got hit but didn't say anything".

"Take her down to med bay, her lack of response is concerning".

"Roos? Hey it's okay, I've got you".

"Call Pepper, she might've gone into shock".

They're going to kill me, or at least they're going to try. I'm going to die, or at least come close.

It's going to be me against an entire realm.

And with that comforting thought, I slip into sleep.

It's restless, I end up reliving those moments over and over. I think she's trying to warn me, I think that's what this is, a warning.

I kind of wish she hadn't warned me.

I knew something was coming and I think I preferred it when I didn't know what it was, now I have to prepare to fight a war by myself and that's not something that puts me at ease.

The scenario keeps playing out in my head and dream-me tries a different tactic each time. It's well planned and smooth, but I die every time. We're not doing well.

Its so frustrating, I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier, with myself more than anything. I should be able to do this, I should be able to. I'm meant to be able to.

The scream comes out of my mouth before I can stop it, perhaps more of an angry shout, and then my eyes fly open and the lights are there.

As if they want me to know I can't escape them in reality or sleep.

"Hey baby, hey it's okay you're okay" Pepper wraps her arms around me but I can't tear my eyes away from the lights.

Dad's here too, neither of them even making an attempt to hide their concern towards me and the weird hallucinations.

I take a shaky breath and wave them away with my hand. I have explaining to do and I don't want to do it. I shuffle myself to sit up, the pain in my side is gone I suppose that's a bonus. I don't expect it will be too long until it's back though, or replaced by something heavier.

"You're supposed to tell me when you're hit" dad breaks the silence, not his wisest choice of words.

"I forgot.. that I was shot I mean" not mine either.

Pepper is rubbing my back, a slow and steady rhythm that grounds me a little, but doesn't stop the knowledge that my biological mom is really really mad at me. To the point where she'd set an army on me. That's extreme and I don't really like it.

A heavy sigh sounds from dad's chest and he looks towards me "What were those light things?".

I shrug in response, preparing to lie "Think my powers have started projecting my dreams or whatever". I don't catch either of their eyes, I don't want to. I know they'll be sharing some judgemental look or hoping that my own eyes will give something away. It's not happening. I can handle this.

If I tell them then Pepper will panic and Dad will blow up Asgard, something we don't really need to be dealing with right now. We've passed the point of no return really, if I tell them now then Pepper will still panic and Dad will be mad because I didn't tell him before. At least if I die then I won't have to see their looks of pity and disappointment. Gotta look on the bright side.

"Bruce thinks your powers took care of the cut, as soon as it was treated it cleared itself up. You're lucky too or you'd have been benched for at least another few weeks" His words are light but his heart isn't in it, I can tell. The way that he won't completely look me in the eye, his eye-line keeps drifting towards my stomach and the area where the lights were. I'm pretty sure I can trust Clint not to say anything, he gets it but he doesn't quite get the severity of the situation, meaning there's not too much concern and he's unlikely to feel the need to snitch for a while yet.

"Cool" I mumble in response.

This time I do see the look that my parents share, as if they're silently arguing over who should try and get me to talk about what happened. It irritates me more than it should and I force myself to stop my eyes rolling or a sigh escaping my lips. They're just worried, with good cause I know, I just want them to stop.

Dad chooses to man up, or rather is forced by Pep who gives him a kick "What happened Roos? We heard you talking to someone but found you alone. We need to know so we understand what we're up against.. and so we can help you with whatever's bothering you now".

I reluctantly nod, squinting as I attempt to recall the details "It was um.. the female enhanced was down there. It was weird cause.. well, she knew things she can't have, and I did too" I pause to plan my words carefully, I'm not telling them what she showed me "She knew I was enhanced somehow and I knew she was and she didn't want to hurt me or anything.. then I went all dizzy and that's as much as I remember".

There aren't many more questions after that, Uncle Bruce discharges me and so I go to my room to breathe. There's not much room to breathe in some places and I need to get as much oxygen as I can get before my chances dwindle out.

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