Teenlock (Alternate Meeting)

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John had never taken notice of the odd boy in his math class. He was kind of a loner. He sat by himself and didn't say anything except to correct the teacher. John never knew what he looked like except the back of his head. But that fateful Thursday afternoon, that all changed. John had answered a question and that curious boy had whipped his head around and John became captured in those eyes. They weren't normal eyes, they looked like he had locked a galaxy in them. He had pale skin and dark curls that fell perfectly onto his head. He was just... beautiful. John later learned that the boy's name was Sherlock Holmes. John had always thought of himself as straight but this boy had made his heterosexuality question itself.

John daydreamed of Sherlock and what he must be like. He was much too intimidating to just walk up and strike up a conversation with. John doubted Sherlock even knew his name, much less knew that he existed. But he couldn't get the mysterious boy out of his head. He built a very perfect picture of how Sherlock must be like. Surely this normal boy couldn't meet every expectation that John had. Little did John know, Sherlock Holmes was anything but normal.

John would see him in the hallway. Some people would shout names at the poor sod but he barely glanced up. The most he would do is shout something absurd to the bully like his mom cheating on his father, before continuing down the hall to the library where he usually spent his time.

John would enter the library and scan the area for his hopeless crush. There he sat, day after day, at a corner table with his nose in a book, completely unaware of the people around him.

One day, John muscled up every courageous bone in his body as he walked up to the table, sitting down across from Sherlock. John looked at Sherlock, expecting him to look up. He acted like John wasn't even there. John got his phone and books out, making sure to place them on the table rather loudly as to get a response from the boy. After the last book was slammed on the table. Sherlock snapped his head up in confusion before his stunning eyes focused themselves on John.

"Hi. I'm John. John Watson." John said, nervously.

"I know. You're in my math class." Sherlock said as if that was obvious. John's heart skipped a beat.

"Well.. yes.. um.." John wanted Sherlock to like him. He was making a rubbish first impression.

"How's your brother? Is he still drinking?" Sherlock asked with a slight smile.

"I'm sorry?" John was bewildered by the boy's sudden question.

"Your brother. He's a drinker. By the looks of your phone of course."

"M-my phone?" John looked down at his phone before Sherlock snatched it off the table.

"Yes. This phone. It's obviously had a previous owner by the scratch marks on its screen. You don't seem like the kind of person to use this phone so carelessly. It was a gift, it can't be from your parents. This is a young man's gadget. So sibling it is. The engraving, 'To: Harry. Love, Clara'. Clara? Who's Clara? Three kisses says its a wife. But he's just giving it to you? That means they split up. If he broke up with her, he'd give rid of it. No. She left him, he kept it. People do that, sentiment. He gives it to you which means he wants you to stay in touch, hinting to the fact you have problems with him, maybe you didn't like his drinking.

"How could you possibly know about the drinking?"

"Shot in the dark. Good one though. There are tiny scratch marks around the battery charger. As he was trying to plug it in, his hands were shaking. Never see that on a sober man's phone. Never see a drunk's without them. There. Drinking problem." Sherlock says with a pleasant smile before his face falls as he sees John's shocked expression. He got ready for the obvious word: freak.

"That.. was.. amazing."

"Really?!" Sherlock was the one who was in shock now.

"Extraordinary. It was quite.. extraordinary." John was fascinated by this boy's brilliance.

"That's not what people normally say."

"What do people normally say?"

"Piss off." Both Sherlock and John started laughing before being shushed by the librarian and getting a few glares from other students nearby.

"Harry and I don't get along, never have. Harry and Clara split up 2 months ago, they're getting a divorce. And Harry does have a drinking problem."

"I got everything right." Sherlock said with a proud smile.

"And Harry is short for Harriet." John said with an amused grin, as he heard the bell ring through the school, putting his things away.

"SISTER! She's your sister! There's always something." Sherlock said with a slight pout. He looks up to see John standing next to him waiting for him to get his things together. They both walked to their math class, chatting like they've known each other for years.

Sherlock didn't have every quality that John had imagined. He had so many more. He was brilliant, witty, interesting, and as a great bonus: he was gorgeous.

John saw a peculiar future with this Sherlock Holmes and he couldn't wait.

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