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John waved to his parent's goodbye before running through the wall to reach the secret platform of 9 & 3/4.

Once handing in his ticket, he boarded the train, looking for a compartment that wasn't too filled. He reached one compartment that had no one inside and sat down getting his favorite medical book out and began to read. After a few minutes he hears an argument ensue outside his compartment. Two male voices were shouting at each other.

"I told, Mycroft! I don't want you to sit with me. I'm perfectly capable of sitting by myself!" The unknown voice, shouted at Mycroft, from what John could gather.

John heard an aggravated sigh before hearing a pair of footsteps walk away. Suddenly, his compartment door slid open and the boy, John could only assume was part of the argument, sat down across from him and stared out the window, not taking notice at John's presence. The boy had pale skin, as if it had never seen the sun, and a mope of black curly hair.

"Hi. I'm John Watson." John said after a few minutes of silence.

The boy's eyes glanced at John.

"Sherlock Holmes."

"Were you the one arguing with.. Mycroft?" John asked apprehensively, not wanting to anger the strange boy. He didn't already need an enemy. Much to John's relief, Sherlock didn't seem to be upset by the question but answered it honestly.

"Yes. Mycroft. He's my.. brother." Sherlock said as if it was a forbidden word that can only be said with disgust.

"Right. Siblings are tough. I have a sister."

"Does she go here?" Sherlock asked. John was surprised by his sudden interest as just a few minutes ago he was completely ignoring him.

"No. She's a muggle. She's quite jealous that I get to go to Hogwarts but she covers it up by thinking I'm a freak." John said with a laugh as to lighten the mood. "Are both your parent's wizards?"

"Yes. My whole family is." Sherlock said, before focusing the attention back on John. "How long have you wanted to be a doctor?"

"I'm sorry?"

"A doctor. How long?" Sherlock asked, impatiently.

"About a year. Sorry how did you-"

"The book. Obviously." Sherlock said interrupting John.

John looked down at his medical book before realizing how stupid he must of been to be confused by Sherlock's question.

"Oh, right. About a year. What house do you think you'll get?" John asked, trying to continue the conversation. This boy could be a friend through John's year and he was desperate to have someone to talk to. This boy would fit the job nicely.

"I'm thinking Ravenclaw. They seem to be the most intelligent of the whole school. What do you think you'll get?"

"I'm hoping to get Gryffindor." John said with a proud smile.

The two boy's continued to talk through the rest of the train ride. They changed into their robes and walked out of the train, mesmerized by the huge castle before them. Their home for the next seven years.

They shared a boat with two other first years, a boy named Greg Lestrade and a girl named Molly Hooper, who seemed to take an interest in Sherlock, much to John's dismay.

"Wait. Why am I upset that Molly seems to like Sherlock" John thought in confusion. Before John could answer his own question, they had reached the castle and were shuffled into the dining hall. Where they would be placed into their houses.

There was a old hat sitting on a stool at the front of the dining room. John had heard that this hat decides what house you will be placed into.

Name after name was called in alphabetical order until Sherlock's name was called.

"Holmes, Sherlock"

Sherlock walked up and sat on the stool as the hat was carefully placed on his head.

"Oooo. Very interesting. You're going to be hard wizard to find a house for. You seem to have a fair amount of each quality." The Hat whispered in Sherlock's ear.

"Don't be ridiculous! I'm not a Hufflepuff. I see no point in loyalty. I'm not a Gryffindor either. They are all idiots."

"Except for John" The Hat said to Sherlock as the image of John smiling had appeared in his head as he spoke of Gryffindor.

"Back to my houses!" Sherlock said with a slight blush, trying to store the image somewhere safe.

"What about Slytherin? You'd do nicely in there." The Hat offered.

"My brother's in Slytherin. I can't be there. So.. where does that leave us? Oh yes. Ravenclaw." Sherlock said sarcastically.

The Hat breathed a heavy sigh before announcing: "RAVENCLAW"

The Ravenclaw house cheered as Sherlock made his way over to his new house.

Many more names were called until it was John's turn.

"Watson, John"

John walked up to the hat nervously. It was placed on his head, covering his eyes.

"Well. Well. Well. So you're John Watson. Sherlock Holmes is very fond of you." The Hat whispered in John's ears as a blush crept up John's face.

"Your house is quite obvious." The Hat said before bellowing, "GYRFFINDOR"

The Gryffindor House cheered loudly as John sat next to Greg as he was placed in the same house earlier.

"What did the Hat mean? Sherlock was fond of me? He likes me?" John thought. The more John thought about it the happier he got. He suddenly realized that a smile was now placed on his face at the thought of Sherlock. He scanned the Ravenclaw table until his eyes fell on Sherlock who was already staring at him. Sherlock's face broke into a smile as their eyes met. Sherlock gave him a wink before turning his head to Dumbledore, who had began to speak.

"This year is going to be pretty amazing!" John thought as a huge grin had permanently fixed itself on his face.

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