To France

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Writers note they're going to France because that's where the original Journal.

I getting to the car and Tintin set down next to me, Tintin could tell I wasn't normally where my red coat "lest say I have a reputation in France".

Time skip to France

We walking to the Musée d'Orsay, and we walk up to the front desk Tintin asked the man at the front desk "I would like to loan out your journal of The Stories Of Armenia" "Sorry Sir I can't loan out anything until after The Ball" I knew what we had to do after the man said ball.

Time skip Night time The Ball

I'm waiting outside the Musée d'Orsay, wearing a red slim fitting dress that poofter up at the bottom, with my hair in a bun and wearing lipstick that matched my dress. I see Tintin in tuxedo "you look nice" I smile "thank you" and we link arms and walk in. We get to the main bit of the museum where the ball is being kept, and we started dancing  "your stepping on my feet" "I wouldn't step on your feet if you haven'' moved so close in" a women in a purple dress, sees us beckering and pulls this side, "should be followed by the music" and she puts are hants in the right position "and the man takes the lead" she looks at me "un less your the one who where the the trousers". I could see Tintin cheeks are going red are the normal I can feel my cheeks going read as well, "nnnnoooo nnnnnooooo nnnnoooo where just friends" we both say, the woman smiles and we carry on dancing we started to get the hang of it. I see the doorway that leeds to the The Stories Of Armenia Tintin sees it as well and we danced in that direction towards the doorway. We started walking down the hallway it was all dark wear The Stories Of Armenia was kept, Tintin here's a noise "I think we are being followed" we both start running "come on" he saids. We get to the The Stories Of Armenia Tintin look down at my dress "oh no your dress" it must of tear when we were running "oh don't worried" Tintin look up at the journal and sees a letll metals cylinder "give me some of the material off your dress" I tear some of the materials off the dress and handed to Tintin. I tear the rest of the red fabric off leaving my dress the purple undertone. Tintin slides the red bit of materials through glass case and through to the cylinder sliding it underneath the cylinder, slowly dragging the cylinder making it making it fall through the gap of the glass case. making fall to the grout Tintin lind down and picks it up. I picked up the red fabric we run out of the Musée d'Orsay and we quickly get in to Tintin's car.

(Tintin's car ⬇️)

Tintin steps on the accelerator driving down the Main road and I red car following us, It must be the same people I turned around and face the red car behind us, (bang)  we both duck

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Tintin steps on the accelerator driving down the Main road and I red car following us, It must be the same people I turned around and face the red car behind us, (bang) we both duck. I pick up the red material that was reminence of my red dress, and throwing at the red car. The material flies back and learn on the windscreen making the red car swerve, and we quickly drove way losing them.

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