More responsibilities then one

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We safely made it back to Brussels.

Writer note Brussels is a Brussels, that's where the actual character Tintin live.

Tintin Pov
I go to Pamela's apartment Patoka about somethings I found out about the journo I knock on Pamela's apartment door, Pamela opens the door I see a boy with blonde hair and Blueeyes standing behind Pamela "this is my little brother Patrick" . I winton to her apartment, she put Patrick to bed, and I'm leaning against the kitchen bench Pamela walks out of Patrick's bedroom leans against the kitchen bench next to me. " how did your parents die" "my mother died in a train accident, if you months later my father got sick and he couldn't get better".

Pamela Pov

Time skip the next day

I walked down the stairs of my apartment and me Tintin downstairs, Patrick opens the door, and yours "Pamela and Tintin sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g" "I have a boyfriend" "but I don't like Matt" "you don't like Matt because he tells you off" I smiled and we walk out the door".

Tintin Pov
I'm in the library with Snowy reading a book That could help us prove The Stories Of Armenia are real, then I read over this old poem that's in the book "A scrolled that is harder than rock Held bind a chain" have to tell Pamela "come on Snowy" and I start working out of the library. I Knock on Palmer door quite eagerly Patrick opens the door " where is Pamela ?" "She went out to get groceries and hour ago" I knew something was wrong. Walking to the apartment with snowy and walk into her room pick up the perfume that she wears and get snow with a smell it "Snowy fine her" Snowy picks up the smell and walks out of the bedroom, I walked out of the apartment following Snowy "come on" towards Patrick to follow me. We get outside and just down the street I see a brown paper pack with groceries in it dropped on the ground and a notepad with Pamela hand write.

Pamela Pov
I'm sitting in a sell With my hands tied around my back, I was covered in scratches and dust A tall slender man walks into the sell they sold "tell me where the scroll is" "What scroll ?"  I scream.

Tintin Pov
We followed snowy to a banded warehouse, and we get to this room with a door that look like it belong to a ship, I unlock the door and kicked the door open (kicking the door down) I put my gun at the people there were in the room. "GET AWAY FROM HER" I yell, Patrick came in behind me, we un tired her and take her back to her apartment.  I'm standing in Pamela is kitchen by the dining room, I'm looking at Pamela then I looked down at her leg with the big cut on her half, "Pamela your leg" She looks down at her leg with the big cut.  I  beg and pleaded to let me look at her cut She finally gave in and let me look at her cut, ended up in her bathroom and I bandaged up her leg. We walked out of the bathroom and ended back in the Kitchen I look at Pamela and see a Silver chain around her neck with the edge of something that sort of resembled a scroll "can I have a look at your necklace" "sure" she takes off the necklace and passes it to me, I look at the necklace and look at Pamela. "What did you get this ?" "I don't know, I have it as long as I can remember" look at the necklace closely and quest one of the ends of the metal scroll. Pamela standing next to me when I am opening metal scroll, "It never did do that before" she said the curious look on her face. Open it and put out a little piece of paper I read the piece of paper my eyes widen in excitement or what I just read, I quickly turn my head and look at Pamela "This could prove the The Stories Of Armenia are real" I went over grab my coat and to walk out the door. "I can't I have to look after Patrick" my smile drop "oh, we, will, do it in the morning then" and walk out the door. I go to the docks and I walk to the the end of the dock, and Sit down next to Captain Haddock he take sip from his bottle of whiskey that he was drinking, "I miss my friend, are live so different" Captain Haddock look at me "Tintin if your lives so different you it doesn't mean stop being friends with them, look at us, you can give her a call" I smile. I want to home and gave Pamela a call and the first time we actually had a conversation.

Writers note  I wanted to put this link in the story "she had it all along" but I don't know where to put it.

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