Avery: We're What Now?

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Of course, she always has to give me the mic during the good part. Anyway, I fell on top of the girl and Rory fell on top of me. Being her clumsy self, I'm surprised she didn't topple the boy over. She started flailing her arms and in the process, knocked the boy over. Oh, there it is! He almost fell flat on his face but caught himself with his arms. We all got to our feet and they went in front of us.

The girl grabbed out her sword and crouched low, ready to charge. The boy grabbed out a ballpoint pen. Rory and I snickered. The pen was REAL impressive. He looked back, smiled a crooked smile at us and uncapped the pen. It echoed throughout the store and the pen turned into a sword. Rory and I fell silent. Rory mouthed to me, "Should we run?". I shook my head. I had a weird feeling about this. The boy started to charge at the bull dude. It ran out of Macy's like a true man.

"My name's Annabeth and this is Percy." the girl said. "My name is Avery and this is Rory. Who cares anymore. What was that?!" I asked her. She ignored me and looked at Rory, who was throwing the high heels she was wearing where the bull dude last was, slipped on the clean floor and fell on her butt. I snickered. Annabeth nodded and I could tell she was holding back a laugh. She looked at Percy who was still staring at where the monster had last been with his sword in his hand. Percy tapped it and the sword turned back into a pen. He stuffed it into his pocket. Percy made eye contact with me. His green eyes were intense. I took a step back and broke his gaze. "Look, you girls aren't human..." he told us.

Percy and Annabeth went on with telling us that one of our parents is an immortal Greek god and that we are something called demigods. We are very attractive: to monsters. Sounds weird right? They want to eat us as in attracted. The bull-dude really was the ancient Greek monster the Minotaur. There was a camp that we would go to and the people there would explain it to us in a more detailed manner.

I started to internally freak out. I'm supposed to be the calm one between Rory and I! Demigods!? Those are just myths. Well, supposed to be anyway. It didn't make any sense. But, I just saw the minotaur! The proof was right in front of me! The boy who chased us, could've been a cyclops! My mom would be a goddess, and so would Rory's! It could be possible. It is possible.

Rory and I turned around and made a mini huddle. "Should we trust them?" I asked her. She shrugged. Rory looked at me defiantly and asked, "Will there be magic, like stuff from books and movies?" Percy and Annabeth nodded. "I'm in!" she said. "Well I guess we should trust you because you both have very sharp objects." I half joked. "Where are we going?" I asked Annabeth, getting serious. I couldn't help but think about what my dad would think about this. Would my father hear about this? "You're starting to sound like Draco Malfoy." Rory is telling me. "Shut up Hufflepuff." I tell her snarkily. "Whatever Ravenclaw." she shoots back.

"We'll need to split up." Annabeth said. "Rory with Percy and I'll be with Avery." Rory and I looked at each other unsurely. "Wait a minute, how do you know about us being Demigods?" I asked Annabeth and Percy. "We've been watching you guys." Annabeth said like it was no big deal. Rory and I gaped at them. "Watching us?!" Rory mouthed. "If they wanted to kill us they probably would have done it by now." I mouthed back. Rory nodded, but still looked unsure. She stood besides Percy.

"28th street, yellow taxi. We'll go right and you guys go left, meet back in around an hour." Annabeth told us and glanced at her watch. "Why?" I asked her. "If we all stay together, the Minotaur will be able to track our scents easily." she replied. "Bye!" Percy told me. We burst out running in opposite directions.

Annabeth and I got out of Macy's quickly and were heading to uptown New York 29th street. People were crowding the sidewalks and different types of cars zoomed by. There were a few stray animals squeezing between the people, they made me think of Bob, I might never see him again! I looked around, this street seemed oddly familiar. "I know an area, we can go to 30th street." I told Annabeth as we were walking on the sidewalk, heading away from Macy's. "Ok, where are we going?" Annabeth asked. "In the alleyway. Follow me." I said with a smirk.

We went behind a large building. There was a series of ropes and pulleys lining the backs of several buildings. "Rory and I like to play around with these ropes and obstacles that she set up with her dad when she was little. There is one here and one downtown that we set up together. That one is WAY harder to maneuver through, so we're in luck." I told Annabeth.

I grabbed the first rope that attached to a clothesline with no clothes on it. "Come on slowpoke!" I said to her. Annabeth rolled her eyes. She grabbed another rope that Rory would usually use, and followed me.

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