hbd corbs (kenzie)

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corbyn matthew besson, you've helped me from the toughest times. you're my favorite wdw boy, for various of reasons, from ur style to ur kind, soft heart. you're as humble as it gets and i'm thankful to be in the wdw era. you're the best. i haven't met you (yet) but i feel as if we're best friends because you're so active with the fan base. i can't thank you enough for all the laughter and tears you've caused me to have. you're a soft bean and it's just so cute. you and christina man, SHEESH🤩🤩 that's self explanatory. i've always thought of you as a cocky person but you've proven me wrong in MANY WAYS. you're a kind hearted jack frost who wants to make everyone else happy and that's the best thing a person can do🤧❤️ it's amazing watching you smile and love the life you're living. youll never see this due to the fact u don't have wattpad💀 but it's whatever. have a good day corbs !!

-kenzie 💘

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