14: I really f*cking missed my best friend

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14: I really f*cking missed my best friend


Mickey, where the f*ck have you been all day? Did not care to let anyone know you were leaving? So Cooper thought he was Mr. protective of me, now did he? Well there was one simple reason why I did not tell anyone I was leaving earlier. Basically I did not give a f*ck about any of them. They wanted to act like I was such a bad person and pretend they did not care about me, then I could do the same. I could act like I did not give two sh*ts about them.

“So he all of a sudden cares about you?” TOC asked, and I could tell he had his jaw clenched because he was simply p*ssed off. I know TOC liked me, and he did not want me to like Cooper. I feel like he thought if Cooper started to show he cared about me, then I would forget about him and move on with Cooper. I can just assure you that that will not be happening anytime soon. Just so everyone is clear on my love life.

“Well I don’t know. I just think he’s acting like this so I do not hate him or whatever. He’s very sentimental about people liking him and all.” I replied, re-reading Cooper’s text for the tenth time.. I was just unsure of what to respond to him. Should I be like f*ck off. Or should I be nice about it? I had no idea, and if only Charlie were here to give me some good vibes.

“I just think he is messing with you. He seems like the player time to be honest.” TOC said, standing up and walking around the rooftop. Awe, he just seemed so.. so.. heartbroken. Maybe I should give TOC a chance. I mean he has been nice to me, and has not done anything rude to me. Yet. There was always that word ‘yet’. Because like I have thought before, you would not think people would do some of the things they do. You think you know someone so well, but you really do not. It’s just a bunch of depressing bullsh*t people have to encounter in their lives. It’s terribly terrible if you ask me.

So I replied telling Cooper to stop acting like he gives a f*ck, when I know deep down I am just another spec of dirt on his shoes. Yeah pretty sad he makes me feel this way, but if he wants to act all so tough and he does not care about me, then I am not giving him the privililage of talking to me.

“Cooper,” I called, standing up and spinning around to look for him, but I did not see him anywhere in sight. “Cooper? Cooper?” I kept calling but did not see him anywhere. Then out of the blue, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, scaring the skin off of me. So I turned around to find Cooper standing there with a smug grin upon his face.

“You almost gave me a heart attack!” I exclaimed, placing a hand on my chest, and beginning to slow down my breathing.

“Sorry, I was just trying to scare you. I assume you want to leave now right? It is almost midnight.” TOC said, rubbing the nape of his neck. He just had these eyes, almost like looking into a puppy’s that you just could just not say no to. So I felt extremely bad when he asked if I was going to go back home. I knew I had to though, I could not hide away from them forever. Everything good has to come to an end at some point in this life. And today was a h*ll of a good day. TOC makes everything so much more better you can say. I just, I am really fond of him you could say. And that was the up-front and honest truth.

“Yeah, I should get back, but we can always hangout tomorrow. I sure as h*ll do not plan on doing anything with them. But you just make everthing so much better you know? I really just adore spending some quality time with you.” I said, biting my lip.

“You are really something else. You know that Mickey? I just want you to know that.” TOC told me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“Thanks.” I muttered, turning my face the other way out of shyness. He really had this effect on me, and I was not sure if I liked it or not. I mean TOC is probably someone all girls want to date, but you can’t just expect me to date him because well because he is who he is. I really do not even know how to explain it, I just know that I really am not ready to be dating anyone right now. I really never thought I would be saying this, but I was actually excited for summer to come to an end. As messed up as that sounds. Why I ever thought this trip was going to be something, I have no idea.

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