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Myra's POV

I handed Jay back my phone and wiped the tears that continued to fall. Jay quickly took the battery back out so no one could use the GPS to find me.

"how long do I have to stay with you"  I softly said. Right now I wanted nothing more than to go home.

" I don't know"  jay said "how ever long it takes"

I sighed "alright"

"think of it this way"  Jordan said trying to cheer me up. "at least I'll make sure you won't be miss treated here, and you've found a new little sister even if her big brother is a complete idiot." She glared  at Jay and I gave a faint smile.

"I don't have any clothes"  I said and looked at Jay.

"what do you want me to do about that" he asked me "we don't have money to get you any clothes"

"Then I guess I'll have to go home and get some"  I said and stood up. But Jay stopped me.

"okay I get it"  he said "I'll figure something out but STAY INSIDE"

With that he left the house. I had no idea what he was about to do.

"he not a bad guy"  I heard Jordan say and I turned to look at her. She was looking at the door jay left out of with a sad expression "he just wants the best for me"

"i know how that feels"  I said and Jordan looked at me.

"please don't tell anyone"  she said softly.  "he is all I have now"

I chuckled "it looks like I'm not going anywhere for a while" I said and Jordan smiled.

Honestly i didn't have a problem with staying here. Well of course I have my doubts. I mean Jay tried to kill me, then saved me and took me to his house. But after meeting his sister I realized that he really wasn't a bad person. I'm still worried about how Santo is taking all this.

MEANWHILE..............at the mall

Jacob's POV

I've been at this mall for about 3 hours and I feel like I've been watched the entire time. It's uncomfortable.

Ughhhh  when are they going to get here I thought. That's when got a text message from Ray.

"Omw Dnt tlk bout myra" was what it read.

"y not" I asked

"I'll explain later"  he said.

"ight  I'm at the food court " I replied and turned off my phone.

Then I felt someone looking at me. I turned around for the thousandth  time to see no one there. This is getting frustrating.

So I stood up looked around once more and yelled "I KNOW IM SEXY BUT STOP FUCKING STARING AT ME"

It got the a lot of people to look at me but I didn't give a shit. Knowing everyone was looking at me was better than being unsure if someone was looking at me. Yes it sounds weird but I'm sticking to it.

I soon saw Ray and Chres. They saw me and made there way over.

"sup"  I said and gave them dap.

"nothing that considers you" Chres said. Then there was an arkward silence. He must be upset about whatever happened to Myra. I really want to know but Ray told me not to bring it up.

"why did you come anyway"  he said full of anger. Damn he is pissed.

"because I wanted to Chres Damn"  I said but soon regretted it because Chres got in my face. I didn't want to fight anyone. I mean I just got here and he was my friend. Or that's what I thought.

"don't press my buttons curly top" he spat out.

"back at you motherfucker". i said not backing down.

"okay okay Okayyyyyyyy"  ray said. He pulled Chres back so we wouldn't start fighting. "Damn can we just go home."

"ight"  Chres said and we went out to the car.


Jay's POV

Alright so I'm out here trying to figure out what to do about Myra's clothes situation. Then I realized that I'm a fucking spy type person. I can just steal her clothes from her house. stupid stupid me.

But with that thought on my mind. I took off running back towards my house.

I ran though my door ignoring the yelling of Myra and Jordan and grabbed a duffle bag. And made my way towards Myra's house. I hope this goes smoothly.

Once I get there I break in through an open window on the 2nd floor. I'm silence and start too look for this girl's room. The room I came in clearly belonged to a  dude. I quietly ran through the hallways into the next available room. I saw a picture of some parents I guess they were. And just be sure this was the right room I checked the closets and a few draws of the dresser. Girl Clothes. I quickly started grabbing the clothes from dressers and stuffing them into bag I had on my shoulder.

That's when trouble arrived. I heard a door open and close in the distance. So I increased my stuffy speed until I couldn't put anymore clothes in it. Then I rushed over to the window and opened it. I threw the bag into the nearby bush and was about to jump out as well when the light came on in the room. There stood a dude with 2 braids and a dude with a bush for hair.

"who the fuck are you"  the 2 braided kid said.

I looked at them. They looked back. Nobody moved a muscle.

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