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*Next Day*

I needed to think. I didn't want to worry anyone though so on our way to school the next day I told Santo that I was going to the park. He understood me and asked no more questions. But before letting me go he kissed my forehead and told me that he doesn't want me to get hurt again. I nodded and took the right turn while Santo went left.

On the way there I felt I was being followed. I didn't take any mind to it however because I didn't care. I've been through enough already I don't get scared as easily.

When I got to the park, I sat on a swing.

"What do you want" I said without moving a muscle. I knew I was being followed but I wasn't sure if they were still after me. To my surprise the boy I talked to yesterday in the tree hung his body from the nearest tree branch.

"How you know I was following you" he said upside down.

"I honestly didn't" I said looking at him. "but whyy where you following me"

"I'm your protector" he said with a smile.


"Your funny." I said while kicking my legs to move back and forth.

"No I'm serious" he said and dropped down from the branch.

"You can't be serious because I don't need a protector." I said kinda getting an attitude. "Now why were you following me"

"You wanna know the truth?" he said getting annoyed as well.

"You wanna tell the truth?" I shot back.

"Look Mya don't get smart with me." he yelled. "Don't act like you know something because you clearly don't. You don't know what kind of people your parents really were. You don't know why your friend killed Craig or even why I'm here. You don't even know anything about that bracelet you have on your wrist."

I couldn't say anything. He was right.I can't believe this guy that I didn't even know, knew more about my life then I did.

It was silent between us for a while before finally thought of something to say. So I jumped off the swing and looked towards the boy.

"Who are you to know more about my life then I do?" I said.

"Your protector"

"Then why don't you explain my life"

"I will." he said and looked around "but not here. Come with me"

He ran in the direction I stood and grabbed my hand. Then we ran in another direction.

"Hey hey hey WAIT!!" I screamed behind him but he didn't stop. "I don't even know who you are"

"Call me Jay." he said without stopping. "I'm 17, and live here in New York. I have a little sister name Jordan. She's 8. My parents died when she was 4 and I've been in and out of foster homes since. I met your parents and they helped me and my sister. They made my life better together. Now I'm keeping my promise to them and keeping you safe."

Then we stopped at a cross way and I ran into his body.

"That enough information for you Mya?"

"I-I-I....." I stuttered.

"Good now come on we're almost there."

We took a left turn after crossing the road and came arose a old warehouse.

"Here we are" he said with a smile.

"Uhhhh where is here exactly" I said and started looking around.

"Come on inside baby"

"Uhhhh don't call me baby." I said "and I'm not about to go into an abandoned warehouse with you"

"Stop being stubborn and go inside" he said "I know what you been through an I promise...no I swear I won't do anything to harm you"

"I don't know. Im not sure if I can't trust you" I said.

"Ughh" he groaned and threw me over his shoulder.


"No you need to come inside" he said with a laugh and walked towards the warehouse.


"More than you know" he said and I gave up trying to get out of his grasp. He was not only about 3 inches taller than me but also was a lot stronger. "awee baby you have up already."

"Stop call me baby" I said as we passed through the front door.

The way it looked inside was twice as bad as it looked outside. But Jay moved right into a closet and told me to let him see my bracelet.

".....No" I said a crossed my arm.

"I need it Mya." he said.

"No, your not getting my bracelet. I just found it yesterday and it might be the last thing of my parent that I own" I said in a serious tone. "AND STOP CALLING ME MYA"

"I promise ill give it back as soon as I crack the code."

"What code"

"The code that will let me get into the place I've taken you to."

"Ughh fine" I said. "BUT NEGRO PUT ME DOWN"

With a chuckle he put back on the ground and I handed him the bracelet I loved so much. I watched him carefully.

*Jacob's POV*

As soon as I landed in New York I took a deep breath of the warm air. Now that I here I want need to find Myra, Chresanto and Ray.

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