Chapter 1

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I slowly walked my way to the living room ,and that's when I see...

Let's continue!!

THEM!the entire cast of Ikemen revolution...'No,it can't be true' I thought as I backed away from them while the knife fell on the floor...'It can't be possible no, no, no!!' I freaked out internally....'How did they came here?Is it because of the message that popped up like in those fanfics?What happened to them?Why are they injured???OMG THEY ARE INJURED' I forgot about everything and run directly to the bathroom for the first aid kit.I dashed to the living room and start taking care of the first person laying beside me : Blanc.'Blanc doesn't get in fights,what happened?!'As I was taking care of Blanc's wounds I failed to see that one of the boys waked up and was behind me."Tell me young lady:do you happend to know where are we?"I froze on the spot and then turned very slowly to the voice to see it was Loki..."U-um...well...y-you s-see..."Damn I stuttered,'How am I going to explain that they are from a game?And more important:another time?'"So?"asked Loki getting impatient."I'm going to explain when everyone is conscious for now let me take care of your wounds"I said to gain at least a little bit of time.For one second I thought I've seen Loki blush but I brush it off and start taking care of his wound,after that he helped me with the others.

Timeskip to where they woke up

In one hour everyone was awoke and confused.Then I spoke "I know all of you are confused so let me explain everything I know,also my name is (Y/N)(L/N)(last name) but call me(Y/N).You are in 'The Land of Reasons' as you call it.Now for why you are here...I don't really know why I guess it's because of the message that popped up while I was playing your game.Now I know  it sounds weird and you may not trust me but you are fictional characters" I watched their faces get different emotions from confusion to complete disbelief and then Sirius spoke up"I don't think we understand little lady,what do you mean by 'fictional characters'?""Here,let me show you maybe you'll trust me after"I said getting my phone out of my pocket and opening the app.I showed them the phone and explained them how it works and the game and ,of course,what time they are in  "I see you weren't lying Ms.(L/N),thank you for filling us in the details" said Lancelot ,"Oh it's nothing and please refer me as (Y/N)""Alright as you wish (Y/N)"I could see out of the corner of my eye Kyle inspecting his wounds and then he asked:"Who did this good job?""That would be me but Loki helped me too" I replyed shyly "Oh,t-thank you" they say in unison and I swear I see a little blush before Ray spoke up:"It seems like the weather outside is pretty bad,can we stay here at least tonight (Y/N)?""Sure,of course!!You can stay here until we discover a way for you to go back,Oh!You must be hungry,here let me order some pizza","Pizza?"Luka popped up out of nowhere."What's that?""It's bassically a bread with tomato sauce and pepperoni","Oh",he said blushing"'aww hes so cute'.

Timeskip until the pizza arrives

I was thinking about the sleeping arrangements when the door bell rang and scared the shit out of the boys "Don't worry it's just the door bell,it's probably the guy with the pizza,i'll go get it"I say as I was going to the door.After paying the pizza I got the boxes and put them on the living room table and say:" Dig in",they looked at me confused and opened the boxes "Who eats something like this?It looks oily and aesthetically unpleasant"" Look Jonah,at least taste it,if you don't like it I'll make you something else""Stupid brother,at least be thankfull"I heard Luka say.Jonah looked stunned but got a slice anyway and ate it silently.While they were eating I got the sleeping arrangements."So,now that you are done with that let's get to your rooms".They followed me upstairs and I said:"Harr and Loki will be sleeping together in my old bedroom,Blanc and Oliver in my parents room,Ray and Fenrir in the guest room,Lancelot and Sirius in the downstairs bedroom and same goes for Seth and Luka and....""Wait a minute!!you can't let Luka sleep with that pig!He should sleep with his big brother"Jonah butted in "At least Luka doesn't call me stupid" said Seth back"Look Jonah if you don't shut up you'll sleep on the couch,also this is my house so I do the sleeping arrangements ok?" Jonah face was red out of embarrassment but decided yet again that it's better to shut up."so as I was saying Edgar and Kyle will share the other downstairs bedroom and Jonah and Zero my room"I lead them to the bedrooms and look for my dads and cousin old pj's and go to every room to make sure everyone was comfortable and settled in,after that I got a pillow and a blanket and drifted to sleep on the couch...

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