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This made him take a decision: a decision that will determine everyone's fate.

3rd POV
The day got by really quickly. You had to go to (F/N) house to work on a project so you had let the boys alone in the house.
They were standing in the middle of the living room, the paper in front of Harr. The clothes they came in were sewed (thanks to Jonah skills of sewing) and their weapons were shining. Each one of them had a crystal in hand as they started to repeat the words Harr was reading from the paper. A bright light surrounded them and with that, they disappeared leaving behind only one note.

Claudius returned to Amon. Telling him the complete opposite of the plan and giving him the wrong information. He loved his nephew too much and if he was going to die then so be it. He killed his brother, Edgar's father, and this should be his punishment for that. The leader of the magic tower was very happy and an idea came to his mind, he told Claudius to go back to The Land of Reasons and let you find a magic crystal.
So Claudius did what he was told. After the fourteen boys disappeared he put a magic crystal and a note in the place they stood before, making sure you'll see it and then he returned to his world.
Timeskip to when you got home
You told goodbye to your friend and drove home.
"I'm home!" you shouted
You thought it was strange that no one responded: after all Loki was the first one to respond. You made your way to the living room and saw a magic crystal and 2 notes. You picked up the items and read the first note: it was a spell that needed a magic crystal. Then you read the second note:
Dear Alice,
Thank you for taking care of my nephew! I'm sorry that you have to read this note in times like this but you have to listen to this. My lord wants the foster kings dead so he told me to spy on them and find out their plans. You will find a magic crystal and a note with a spell. Read the spell while holding the magic crystal in your hand and you'll be transported to Cradle. With your ability to deflect magic we will be able to defeat our leader.
Please hurry up.
                               Claudius Bright
You stared at the note. You remembered how bad Claudius treated Edgar, but you had no choice and no time to think.

You read the note and got transported to Cradle.
You saw the war going on.
Some soldiers were fighting along your side, but most of them fought against it. You ran into the battle without thinking and deflected a magic attack who was supposed to hurt Zero. The boys were shocked but they didn't have time to lose.
With your ability to deflect magic and their fighting skills you made your way to Amon.
"Surrender Amon, you have no chance to win this", said Lance.
"I still have a trick that I haven't shown just yet," he said while a magic crystal was glowing dangerously in his hand.
" This spell is so powerful that not even Alice can deflect it! Now, this is the end and this time I'll make sure you won't come back!" the crystal released his power, but instead of hitting the boys it hit something else.

You stared at the dead body of the foster Jack of heart: Claudius Bright. You were surprised by what he did, and you could tell that the others were too. Amon tried to run away but got caught by Sirius and knocked out cold.

In the end, everything returned to normal.

You decided to stay in Cradle with the two armies. And someone very special to you confessed his feelings towards you. This will be just the beginning of your love life.

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