Chapter 8

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When you arrived at the cafeteria your face fell and you almost faint for the second time today.
Let's continue!
Your POV
There in the middle of the cafeteria, everyone was trying to get the boys to sit at their table. You honestly didn't know what to do. When the fangirls saw Seth and Jonah they immediately walked to them blocking every escape they had, you slipped easily from them and went looking for (F/N). After you saw him/her you waved at them getting their attention. He/she gestured to a place at her empty table for you to sit down and a tray of food for you. She/He just knows how to make you feel better. You sat down beside them and went for digging into your food until: "Care to explain why 14 characters from your favorite game are alive?" it was that this moment (Y/N) knew....she fucked up. "*sigh* It's a long story. All I know is that they appeared into my home one night and... Well, you can see the rest." "You brought them to school?" "No! I found out this morning when my first class started! This was their plan!" "Hhmm I see. That will explain what happened at Mr. Odayakas class. I was sure I know them from somewhere so I checked my phone after speaking to you and recognized them from your game you're obsessed with." "What am I suppose to do? If someone else recognizes them..." "Don't worry too much about it, besides me, I don't think there is someone else in this school who has heard about the game" "Thanks (F/N), I'm feeling better now" " So that was bothering you all day huh? Jealous much?" he/she smirked at me while I blushed "I'm not jealous!" "Whatever you say, hey look! Your knights in shining armors have arrived!" you looked up to see the boys sitting down at the table. "Hello (F/N) glad to see you again",  said Sirius. You glared at the boys with the scariest look you could ever muster. That didn't seem to bother some of them *cough* Edgar *cough* while you saw the rest visibly shiver from the glare. " Aww let's not hold grudges (Y/N) you know we love you" teased Edgar while your face instantly heated up. "Don't pull (Y/N) in one of your games Edgar" scolded Jonah. You saw Lancelot chuckle a little before he asked you "How was your day?" "Not so good, because of someone decided it was a good idea to stalk me to school" you glared making their eyes widen. "Hold on a minute! You got it all wrong! We aren't stalking you!" said Fenrir defensively "Well practically we do...." commented Harr." Let's not get too detailed here...this is not the right place to speak about this" said Blanc gesturing to the people that were looking at us. You hated all the attention you got, yes it felt nice but it was too much. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom" you quickly said to escape making your way outside the cafeteria.

I saw (N/N) leave the cafeteria. I wanted to go after her but at the same time, I wanted to let her alone. I knew how much she hated this much attention, so I continued eating my food in silence until :(F/N) right? I am Ray Blackwell and..." "I know who you are, I know the game" he looked shocked for a moment before composing himself again " Yea...the game. Anyway, I wanted to ask you: for how long do you know (Y/N)?" "Oh, I know her for some time. We studied together in high school and moved to California with the same dream, I didn't expect to saw her here in the first day of college. We talked a little and become best buddies." "Can you tell us more about her?" asked Loki with his miss-matched eyes full of curiosity.
(A/N): Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

This is a little sneak peek of the chapters I already write before posting this one!Also my other book: 'The Flame of our love' is on hiatus because I want to finish this book before  writhing new books

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This is a little sneak peek of the chapters I already write before posting this one!Also my other book: 'The Flame of our love' is on hiatus because I want to finish this book before  writhing new books

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