Chapter 2

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I driffed off to sleep on the couch...
(A/N): you can listen to the song whenever you'd like, I thought it would go well with the chapter. Anyway:
Let's continue!!
Edgar's POV
(Y/N) it's a very kind woman, she let us sleep in her house, tend our wounds and even shut Jonah's mouth, I have to admit: she's an interesting woman. I know that the others already like her and I need to step up my game, this girl will be mine, I can't lose her over them.
Jonah's POV
I couldn't believe it! This woman thinks she can just shut me! who does  thinks she is speaking like that with the proud Queen of Hearts? And why do her words hurt me more than Luka's worlds? No...I can't fall in love, could I?
The next day, your POV

You waked up early in the morning and made yourself some tea and start preparing some breakfast for the boys. It was Saturday today and you have an entire weekend to spend on the college project: a strawberry themed cake, you thought Jonah can help you since he ADORES strawberries. Now that you thought about it he didn't make a sound after you did the sleeping arrangements 'Maybe he got sad about what I said, I should apologize for what I said, I didn't mean to be this harsh with him' I made up my mind to apologize to him after breakfast. After some time the boys started coming into the kitchen and got their breakfast. After they were done I told them to go and change into their clothes so we can go to the mall and buy them new ones "I'm really excited to see the new clothes trends, I was so shocked when I founded out girls wear jeans! " exclaimed Seth in a sing-song voice."Yea-yea go and change, oh also Jonah can you stay here? I have something to talk to you.."Jonah waited for everyone to get out of the kitchen and then said: "So, what is it you want to tell me?" he asked with a
raised eyebrow " I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night, I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry" I looked up at his face, his eyes were widened and when he saw me staring his cheeks become red "You must be an idiot if you go around and apologize!!" he said with a red face. "I'm apologizing because I feel bad geez don't get so worked up... Go and change with the others" he stomped out of the room refusing to make eye contact with me. "Ignore him, he's always like this", said Luka " I know, I played the game... Anyway, let's get to the car", "Car..? What's that?" " Well it's like a carriage but without horses" "But then how does it work?" "It has an engine, I'm sure Oliver would love to see it" After that he got silent. Everyone was downstairs prepared for the trip to the mall. "Ok everyone my car isn't big enough to get all of you in, so I'm going to get the black army first then the red army and the neutral citizens ok?" They all nodded so I got inside the car and started the engine, Ray was on my right and Sirius, Fenrir, Seth, and Luka were cramped in the back. I put some (favorite music) while I was driving and they seemed to enjoy it. You parked the car in the parking lot of the mall and stopped the car."Now, I know you are excited about all of this but I want you to behave and stay close to me and the others, the mall is big and I don't want to lose any of you alright?" "You have out world little lady", said Sirius calm. They got out of the car and their eyes widened at the sight of the big building. We walked inside and started looking around shops for male clothing.
The boys were amazed by the technology and were fooling around: Ray and Fenrir were playing with the clothes instead of trying them on, Seth was constantly asking about every article of clothing, Luka was... well trying not to look awkward and Sirius tried to stop them but failed miserably "Alright everyone let's get you the clothes and get out of here, the others are waiting too"

Fenrir's POV
It was so much fun at the mall! We ate what (Y/N) said is 'fast food' and it was so delicious. We bought new clothes and I have to admit: they were so strange! Why would anyone want to wear ripped pants? Overall the day was perfect and I was tired and I'm pretty sure the others were tired too. We've got to the car and (Y/N) drove us home.
I was so exhausted after I had to listen to Jonah constant complaining about everything and Oliver's snarky remarks. Overall Luka got some cooking books, Sirius some plants and seeds, Oliver books for mechanics, Fenrir some water guns that I thought were super cute, Jonah mille feuile(because he didn't have one for over two days and he couldn't 'bear it any longer'), Edgar got some new jelly bean flavors and of course I bought Lancelot some gummies too, Zero just wanted some lollipops, Kyle...(well you know) alcohol, for Ray some interesting books so he doesn't get bored, Seth actually wanted some magazines about new trends, Loki wanted some cat toys(get it? because he's like a cat?), Harr got some books about sorcery (because you told him that some people practice magic here too and he got interested ) and Blanc some cute notebooks and pens . I plopped exhausted onto the couch and drifted to sleep immediately failing to feel two arms lifting me up and caring me to the bed.
(A/N)(author note)
Happy Saint Nicholas everyone! I hope this chapter made you happy! Stay tuned for a holiday surprise!

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