Chapter 15

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After the concert, everyone was exhausted, Ray fell asleep on the ride home so Fenrir and Seth had to carry him to his room. You were happy with how things turned out today: you saw your favorite band/artist live and got an autograph from them! Then you remembered the kiss....your face became hot. You weren't sure what to make from it... So instead you decided to call it a day and fall asleep. But failed to see a man hiding in the shadows of your room.

3rd POV
While everyone was tucked into bed and fast asleep a certain wizard was looking through his notes: he tried to find a way to return to Cradle since the day he recovered. Yes, he fell for you: hard, but he knew you'll never love someone like him. While this dark thought crept to his mind he saw a paper fall from the book on the floor. He took it and examined it carefully to not wake up his roommate. He never saw that note before and it made him a bit wary to try the spell. Nonetheless, he decided that in the morning he's going to tell Lance about this. He put the note back into the book and tucked himself in the confines of his bed.
The next day
Each and every male in the house was looking at the paper carefully. If the spell worked they could go home! But there was a problem: Amon was ruling their world so they had to make a plan. They discussed strategies and ways to attack the enemy in the most efficient way. They were careful tho: you were still sound asleep after the concert and they didn't want to wake you up. They didn't want to tell you about the spell either: first they didn't know if it works and second they cared about you! They didn't want to bring you along with them so they planned on coming back after everything was settled down in Cradle. The plan was settled: that night they were going to try the spell and go back to their world if it works then they'll take their home back by any means.
But there was only one problem with their plan: they failed to see the man standing in the shadows and listening to their plans.
The man looked at his nephew and started to doubt himself: yes it was good to rule over everyone else, but the burden was too much for his old body to bear. He always felt like someone was watching him and he was somehow fed up with Amon.
This made him take a decision: a decision that will determine everyone' fates-—------------------------------------------
(A/N): Hey everyone! I hope you liked the chapter!
I have some problems with my phone that lead to some problems updating the book. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!I'll try to update as soon as possible!

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