5 [[ Familiar ]] 5

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"Watch yer step, darlin'."

"Jesse, where are we going?"

"I wouldn't need ya to wear that blindfold if I told ya."

(Y/N) sighs defeated, but she continues to smile at the thrilling mystery that Jesse had prepared for her. She could feel the soil shift beneath her feet and the grass that tickles her toes at every step. They were already far from where Jesse had asked her to leave her shoes, and she can tell he'd taken his off as well from the lack of the jingle at his feet. Tingles race across her arms from the cold breeze.

"Wish I brought a jacket," there's a slight shudder that accompanies her chuckle. Jesse, the gentleman he is, halts them to drape his serape over her shoulders. She whispers a soft thanks.

"Naw. Can't have ya freezin' over before we get there."

It was a while before he'd put them to a stop. Eagerly, she took the blindfold off before he could, and the view took her breath away. No exaggerations. She had to catch her breath before she could actually speak any words.

"Wow.... Never thought Mr. Face of the South could appreciate views like this. Or even find one for that matter."

Jesse scoffed and shoved at (Y/N)'s head, making her laugh. "Hey, I can have good tastes Ms. (L/N). besides, it ain't me who found this place."

"Pray tell."

"Well, I know a certain doc who sneaks off at night like she ain't need any sleep."

"Me?" She turns from the eager waves crashing against the Gibraltar cliffs. At day, it's a sight, but at night.... It's a fading memory she can't get a hold of. Yet she's smiling incredulously at the cowboy, pretending it didn't hurt her what this amnesia had taken from her.

"You'd bring me up 'ere when I'd get sick of the medbay after a bad run on the field, and you'd scold Angie when she'd say against it. Damn, I remember laughin' my ass off-!"

"Dr. Ziegler-"


"Right, right. Angela. Her? I can't see myself scolding that woman. It must have been the other way around." The weeks have been long. Angela was there half the time, checking in on (Y/N) every so often. There was always a light of professionalism around her no matter how casual she intended their conversations to be. Even when she laughs, Angela didn't seem like the person (Y/N) could just scold for sneaking an injured boy out to go sight-seeing.

"Ah, you were her superior. Told ya that, didn't I? You'd sneak me out any time, and Angie'd just watch."

"I must have liked you a lot back then if I snuck you out so often."

Instead of an answer, Jesse bursts out laughing, (Y/N) following straight after. Once they had their laugh and calmed to watch the sun fall closer to the horizon, they let the silence sink in.

Jesse took the liberty of filling (Y/N) in with whatever she missed over the years. In this case, everything. Slowly, she had a better picture of her past. Half of the time, she just couldn't find the heart to believe in such an exciting life Jesse would say was hers.

The cowboy told her of her days in Overwatch as not just a lab coat doctor but the head medic with the power to sneak patients out without any argument. That was until she'd handed that position over to Angela (who didn't take advantage of that sweet power) when (Y/N) decided to relocate to Africa.

Of course, she still kept contact with everyone on base. Occasionally, (Y/N) visited, and every time was a party. Drinks all around and the drunken laughter of two flirtatious commanding officers, and (Y/N) had no brain to react when she'd be soaked in booze herself. Other times, they would all stay in the mess hall, sharing stories by a gigantic fireplace. Even when she couldn't visit, she would be on her communicator every day, chatting the ear off one of her comrades.

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