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The bell then rings for that class, the friends then running towards the gym. Jaehyun doesn't let Doyoung get out of his sight as he runs after him. "Doyoung! Doyoung!" He yells in the hallway, but Doyoung ignores him and keeps walking away.

"Shit.. what do I do?! Why am I back here?" Jaehyun panics, then taking out his phone in a hurry. "Ten!" He yells whenever he answers.

"Ow Jaehyun! My ear!" Ten complains. "What do you want..?" He asks, still angry for what he did to Doyoung the day before.

"Listen... Ten.. I don't know what happened but I'm living this day all over again. Doyoung is alive!" He says while shaking.

"What..? Of course he's alive Jaehyun."

"Am I the only one that has this memory...? Doyoung died on this day after school from a car accident." Jaehyun says, praying that he believes him.

"Jae.. that sounds so ridi-"

"Believe me Ten. I would never lie about this. I'm living this day over again." Jaehyun pleads.

Ten then falls quiet before he speaks into the phone again, "wow..."

"Do you believe me?!" Jaehyun asks in a hurry.

"This is just crazy.. first you hurt him like that and now you're making this up? It's not funny." He replies before hanging up. "Ten! Ten!" Jaehyun sighs and curses before running into the direction of the gym.

"I have no idea how this is happening.." Jaehyun says to himself, looking down at his uniform that he wore a year ago. "But.. if today is the 19th.. then.. no.." he says to himself, starting to look around the gym as he walked in from the hall.

"Doyoung.. can I talk to you?" Jaehyun carefully asks Doyoung from behind. Just seeing him made Jaehyun want to leap on him and never let him go again, but he knew it was exactly like it was before.. and Doyoung was going through what Jaehyun had done to him.

Doyoung didn't respond to him as he watched his friends play basketball. His eyes were blank, his eyes were puffy. Jaehyun remembered Doyoung as the smiling happy virus he was, so sweet and gentle. But he tried suppressing the memory of this Doyoung. With puffy eyes, a bloody and bruised face, and cold eyes.

"Please.. it's important!" Jaehyun begs, but then a teacher comes in, telling them to clean up just like before. Doyoung got up and slowly walked over to the broom to pick it up and start cleaning, but Jaehyun wasn't letting him out of his sight.

He caught the broom whenever it fell from Doyoung's hand, his back giving out on him like it did before. "Let me help.."

"Leave me alone Jaehyun.." Doyoung responded with a short breath, then yanking Jaehyun off of him like before and walking off down the hallway.

"I don't know what you did Jaehyun but-" Taeyong starts speaking, but Jaehyun turns to him quickly, his eyes starting to pour out tears. "Taeyong!! I need to save Doyoung! Today he will end up dying after school from a wreck less driver! Help me please!" He starts shaking Taeyong's shoulder. "I don't know what to do.."

"Woah.. calm down Jaehyun. Are you feeling well?" Taeyong asks, placing his hand on Jaehyun's forehead. Jaehyun sighed in utter anguish. No one believed him, and he didn't know how to stop everything from happening like it did. He couldn't even talk to Doyoung.

"I gotta go find him..!" Jaehyun yells out before turning again and running into the teacher. "Jaehyun goodness.. you do seem like you're sick." She says, placing a hand on his forehead. "You should go to the nurse sweetie, she'll help you." She says, then linking his arm. "Everyone finish cleaning! I'll be back to check on it!"

"No..! No! I can't go to the nurse right now!"

"Jaehyun.. you don't feel well and obviously your thoughts are a little loopy.. you just need some rest!" The teacher insists, taking him into the room and shutting the door.

"Oh hello Jaehyun! Don't feel well huh? Just rest up and take some medicine. I'll be back after I go check on this freshman who got in a fight in class." She sighs, placing a tablet next to him with some water, then walking out and locking the door behind her.

"No! No... no... this can't be happening.. this isn't what happened last time! I can't get anyone to believe me.. and the only one who is moving differently.. is.. me.." Jaehyun starts freaking out, trying to open the door but to no avail. "How am I going to help him if I end up getting myself into this mess..? How can I help if I'm the only one that can change my own actions."

He sobs, his head in his hands. "Doyoung.. I miss you so much." He sniffs. "I don't want to relive this day.."

He looks over, and out the window, the exact spot in front of the school from that day. The rain was pouring just as hard, and everything was exactly the way it was.

Jaehyun wished he wasn't suddenly on the second floor, where the infirmary was. He could jump out the window and escape to look for Doyoung. But even now he never knew where Doyoung went whenever he left the gym that day.

As he was looking out the window, he then saw the girl he had a crush on back then. The one who forcefully kissed him the day before for no reason at all.

A few weeks after Doyoung died, she  came back to school and was so sweet to Jaehyun. She helped him through things and respected that Jaehyun didn't want any type of relationship. That's what he saw when she was with him however.

Out the window he saw that she was getting handcuffed by the campus police and she was yelling at them to let her go. He watched with confusion as the nurse came back in.

"Miss... is that girl down there in the fight you just checked up on?" Jaehyun asked, his brows furrowed. The nurse walked up and looked out the window, her head tilting. "Hm? No that wasn't her. I heard that she helped beat someone up yesterday and she's getting suspended because she was caught on the cameras." She says as she organizes things on the table.

Jaehyun widened his eyes, his blood running cold as he watched her get into the car. He felt like many things were a lie this whole time, all in this moment.

"Do you know who was beat up?!" He asks frantically turning around, his heart racing out of his chest. He didn't want it to be true, but deep down he knew it. He felt sick just thinking about that girl hugging him a few weeks after. He couldn't think of it as sincerity anymore.

"Sorry Jaehyun I said too much. I don't know either. Now Jaehyun.. you didn't seem to calm down at all.. and you didn't take your medicine! Take it it'll help you rest." She smiles then walking over and helping him take it.

"Wait.. it'll help me rest...?? Will it make me drowsy? I have somewhere to be after school nurse!! Please let me go!" He calls out, his body feeling sleepy already. They did this much if someone has panic or anxiety attacks, or if they just can't rest. Jaehyun had a reason for his anxiety attack, and resting would definitely not make his problem go away.

After a few hours he opens his eyes, staring at the ceiling as the nurse calls out to him. "Oh my gosh.. Jaehyun I'm so sorry.. he was your friend.. h-he died in an accident outside oh no.." she shakes, looking out the window that was flashing red and blue ambulance and police lights. Jaehyun shot up in the bed, then looking out of the window in a hurry, his mind still dizzy from the medicine. "Doyoung!!!!!"

He saw the gurney being pulled into the ambulance, but Doyoung was sealed away in a bag, indicating death. Jaehyun burst out crying, he never wanted to see this scene again in front of his eyes, but it replayed in his dreams millions of times. But this was all too real, and Jaehyun didn't feel as if he was sleeping.

"I couldn't help you.. I couldn't protect you.." Jaehyun sobs uncontrollably as he looks at his group of friends in a huddle, crying just as hard as Jaehyun for the loss of their best friend.


"Hurry Jaehyun the teacher is coming!!" Mark yells as he hits his arm forcefully. Jaehyun then opens his eyes, understanding what he meant this time. He was back again, back in time to make things right. And he would.

He turned back to look at Doyoung.

I'm going to save you from this fate.

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