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"No!!" Jaehyun screams out loud, startling everyone in the classroom. This can't be happening. It didn't work. Jaehyun thought he was just in this endless loop now, and nothing could change. He took the biggest risk and he's still back here in this damned classroom.

He stormed out of the classroom, immediately calling Ten who he'd seen right before his death the last time. "Ten!"

"Yes Jaehyun I saw! You died last time and look.. it's still going on! Jaehyun I can't handle anymore.. it hurts to much." Ten says as sniffles can be heard through the phone.

"I know.. I don't know what to do.. I'm going crazy.. I've done everything.."

"Can I tell you what he said when you died?" Ten asked slowly.

As Ten began to explain, Jaehyun's heart began to sank more and more. He couldn't believe his ears. Doyoung wanted to die in his place, Doyoung unselfishly loved him.. and Jaehyun's heart raced as much as it sunk. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, all he could do was stare at Doyoung as he left the class room. He never knew this is how he'd fall in love. By going back in time and doing everything over again. He never knew this was how.

But maybe.. he figured it out awhile after Doyoung did die. But it was way too sad to admit to himself, and it made the situation seem so preventable now. It felt as if Jaehyun's feelings were all on the line now.. he felt at fault but he was terrified of letting his feelings out and loosing Doyoung once again. He was also terrier at the time that he'd realize his feelings for Doyoung and know that it's all too late.



"I.. I think I'm in love with Doyoung." Jaehyun gulped. Saying that out loud gave him cold shivers down his body.

"Woah.. really Jae..?" Ten gasps from the other line.


"I'm so glad that you do.. Doyoung is an amazing person."

"Now I'm even more scared.." Jaehyun says as he looks down, fiddling with his tie nervously.

"I understand.. this is a bigger jump for you than it is for jumping out in front of your best friend." Ten says, making Jaehyun realize that much.

"There's.. something else I need to tell you.. that I didn't mention.." Ten sighs deeply with a heavy heart.

"What is it..?" Jaehyun asks, almost too scared to ask.

"He..." Ten squeezes his eyes shut tight and sighs, it being hard to say. "He mentioned.. that it should've been him.. mainly because.. Jaehyun.. it wasn't just the wreck less driver.. Doyoung.. killed himself." Ten says, then choking on his own tears like he did the time before.

"W-what..?" Jaehyun says as his body tenses up. He immediately runs to the bathroom, letting out all the continents from his stomach out by throwing them up. Out of fear, out of guilt, out of sadness.

Doyoung meant to do that. To get rid of his pain. Doyoung felt as if he'd lost his best friend, all his friends, and everyone at school hated him. Those final words from the students and... the first day from Jaehyun.. pushed him over the edge.

Even if Jaehyun said he's sorry.. it still did nothing because Doyoung wondered what he really was sorry about? Sorry it was this way? Sorry for his words? But it still didn't fix the real problem.

"Jaehyun..? Jaehyun..?" Ten sadly speaks again from the phone as Jaehyun washes his face and rinses out his mouth. "Just tell him everything. I mean everything Jaehyun. It's our last resort."

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