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Jaehyun was determined to save Doyoung. He skipped trying to get anyone to believe him, and just focused on finding Doyoung. But the fate... was always the same.

Every time he came back, he tried blocking Doyoung from going outside, talking to him, offering a ride, but it always ended the same. Every time Doyoung walked out those double doors, Jaehyun was met by voices he never heard before on that first time. Because he never paid attention to just how much it hurt Doyoung.


"Look it's Doyoung! Haha he looks all innocent but I guess he really isn't if you know what I mean! Hahaha."

"He really isn't good enough for Jaehyun.. it's so weird."

"Gay bitch!"

"I used to have a crush on him before he became weird."

"Hey Doyoung! Wanna come to my house and have fun?? Hahahah just kidding!"

"Have you heard the rumors?"

All from boys who were disgusted by him or wanted to poke fun of something they had no knowledge on, or girls who twisted Doyoung into something he's not.

Jaehyun's heart sank when he heard those words. Doyoung just had found out he liked Jaehyun.. innocent feelings that were exactly as a man and woman in high school.. the same thing.. but it turned into this dark thing filled with hatred.

And Jaehyun knew he fueled the fire even when Doyoung had nobody.

Jaehyun could never understand how dark the world was when a man likes another man in South Korea.. or vice versa with woman and woman. He never knew this was the dark truth.

One time he ran out to meet up with the girl again. She screamed at Jaehyun until the very minute she was put into the car, "you know me and you are meant to be together! I had to give him a piece of my mind he just pissed me off!"

Jaehyun stood there, looking at her with disgust. He was no longer disgusted like he was when Doyoung confessed to him. Actually, that entire thing didn't disgust him at all. People like her, and those other men who hurt him, they are the type that disgust him. If they would've known how much they ruined his and Doyoung's life.. Jaehyun wondered if their hearts were the same then.

Even after Doyoung died, those same students who said such heinous things to him, mourned, cried and prayed over it.

Again and again that reckless driver who was speeding in the school zone took his life. Even if it was different times in the evening, it still happened no matter what. He couldn't stop it no matter how many different ways he tried. Every time he would just wake up in the same classroom again, seeing the same fate happen to Doyoung everyday. Jaehyun wanted it to stop. He just wished it would've been him instead.

"Wait.. me instead.." Jaehyun whispered to himself in the classroom. Mark looked at him with confusion, "what?"

"Oh nothing.." Jaehyun responded.

Before he knew it, class was out again and Jaehyun called Ten again to see if he could believe him this time. He knew it wouldn't work, but even if it didn't, in a way he could say goodbye to Ten.. and Doyoung could know the truth in the future when Ten tells him.

"Hey Ten.. please just listen to me. I've been reliving this same day for the past eleven times already. Because on this day.. Doyoung dies by getting hit by a car.. nothing ever worked for me to save him.. so I'm going to replace him with me. I rather die than Doyoung dying.. I can't let this happen again. Maybe this loop doesn't ever have a loophole unless I die anyway.. even so I just want to say goodbye. Please tell Doyoung..." Jaehyun trails off, his heart feeling heavy. He meant to say these words as he did all the times where they were close best friends, but he froze whenever those words in his mouth didn't feel right.. and he didn't know why. "Tell him I love him."

He then hung up, not wanting to hear Ten's answer. "Wait.. Jaehyun I believe you-" he mumbled to himself after Jaehyun hung up. Ten felt it. Not the fist or second time.. but the seventh time he felt deja vu.. and he began reliving it as well. But he didn't know what to do, and his mother insisted that he was sick and not aloud to leave the house. All he could do was think of ways to stop it. He didn't know that Jaehyun was going through it as well.. and now he was also about to lose Jaehyun. "No.."

He tried again to escape his house like he did four times already. This time his mother didn't catch him. She did, however, after Ten was already running down the street in the rain. He didn't care if he was sick. He realized he had to brave and save his friends from this turmoiled fate.

He didn't like it at the beginning. He hated seeing Jaehyun so harshly reject someone as sweet as Doyoung.. he hated seeing Doyoung smile at him afterwards even if it hurt. He hated hearing Doyoung say I'm okay on the phone when he could hear that he had been crying. He hated seeing Doyoung on the news and sobbing each time into his hands as his mother cradled him. He.. hated seeing Jaehyun a year later, try to take his own life over this. He hated how he remembered everything and couldn't do a thing about it.

"FAGGOT!" A voice called out just the same as the other times.

"Doyoung! Doyoung please stop! I'm sorry Doyoung please listen I'm sorry about everything!" Jaehyun cried as he ran after Doyoung, grabbing his wrist. Doyoung tried to escape but he couldn't. "Let go." Doyoung said with tears in his eyes and his eyebrows curved up in utter sadness. This look made Jaehyun lose it. "Please.. I'm so sorry about everything Doyoung. Let me take you home safe and sound! You have to let me Doyoung."

"Look at the faggots!" They heard a laugh from behind them. Even though Jaehyun started not to care about all those hurtful words, it stabbed Doyoung in the heart.

He looked down, his black bangs slightly covering his doe eyes that were red from tears.

"I gotta go.." He says as he yanks his arm away from Jaehyun, then walking onto the street. Jaehyun already saw the light of the car barreling towards him, and he heard Ten's cry as he runs up to the scene.

But Jaehyun didn't focus on anything except the new fate he would lay out onto the universe.

He quickly ran out in front of the car, pushing Doyoung onto the sidewalk.

Doyoung fell with a large thud, his eyes widening when he saw Jaehyun's body fall onto the ground, blood rushing from his head.

Doyoung started to sob loudly as he crawled over to him, hugging onto him tightly and looking for a pulse.. which there was none. "Jaehyun no... t-this is all my fault." Doyoung said to him as he cried. "I should've never.. said it in the first place.. but I love you.. I love you so much please n-no.. please be okay..."

Ten watched as he sobbed tears of his own. Those words Doyoung said stuck out to Ten so much, it only made it sadder.

Ten just watched as Doyoung was breaking down, Doyoung wishing out loud that it should've been him. If only he knew...

Ten cried as he saw his other friends, go through a death once again, and the school screaming and sobbing as well. The teachers then had to pry Doyoung away from him.. and that's when the ambulance came.

"Hurry Jaehyun the teacher is coming!!"
No... no.. no no.

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