Chapter 3 - The Vampire

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Deep within the Woods a magnificent and beautiful deer was grazing happily in a little grass area away from the edges of the trees enjoying the sun and minding its own business with not a care in the world.

Till a fairly young looking woman with brown eyes ,that are glowing slightly red, desides to appear slowly from the tree line as to not scare away the fantastic, delicious, looking beast, but the deer just stood there not noticing her as it was too busy eating to notice her until it was too late because suddenly the woman sank her razer sharp canines into the deers neck drawing blood and drinking it but not enough to kill the beast but enough to sustain her for the rest of the day and the next. While she was drinking the deer trued to throw her off but she held strong to the deers neck.

When she pulled away from the deer it ran off away from her with speed. "I'm sorry I hurt you" she whispered as she felt guilty for hurting the creature like she always did but if she didn't sustain herself, she would die from starvation. As she was walking around in the shadows of the trees she comes across a farmers land. While standing in the shadows she watched the children play and the farmers wife knit on the porch.

When the children got close to the shadows of the tree while playing tag the woman took this as her chance and waited for the children to come closer to her and when they did she pounced on the two of them knocking them over.

She got up and stared at the kids and the kids stared at her with fear till she started to laugh "THATS NOT FUNNY ROSE!" The little girl screamed "yeah" the girls brother, Logan, agreed "what? you know I take the opportunity when I can to scare you guys" she says as she helps the twin ups onto their feet, then the children looked at eachother, then at Rose, then back to one another "what ever you two are thinking don't bother. I swear!" Rose warns them "swearing is bad Rose" Emily smirks at her. Then suddenly another boy tackles Rose out of no where and knocks her over "I was wondering where you went to Alister" Alister then gave Rose a big hug before getting off her.

Then the farmers wife calls to the children that tea is almost ready. The children run down to the house eager to eat but Rose stayed put as the sun was still shining over the house and she couldn't risk getting caught in its raise because if she touched the suns raise she would burn like there's no tomorrow. So she called to the farmers wife telling her she'll be in in a moment once the sun's gone. The farmers wife gave her a reassuring wave then walked inside the home to watch the kids and make sure they didn't break anything.

After about ten minutes of waiting the sun was finally low enough that its not touching the house and Rose then walked in and sat at the kitchen table. "Well now that Rose is finally here let's eat" the farmer said while staring daggers at Rose simply because he didn't like her to be in the same house as his family and because he doesn't trust her "oh Arthur you know all to well not to speak like that to her! she's practically part of the family" "I still don't see why she needs us anyway" Arthur says "why do you think?" Arthur's wife asks "thank you Maria but really you don't have to keep doing this" Rise tells her "oh sush of course I do. Your like a daughter to me".

Rose smiled before continuing to eat. Ever since she was turned into a vampire Maria and her family have looked after her for years and welcomed her into the family, well except for Arthur.

"What where you doing today Rose" Logan asked "just wondering around the forest. You know the usual" she replied and they did know what she was doing in the forest as she does the same every other day. "Well after tea I want you three kids to go to bed understand?" Maria told the triplets. "Awwww mum do we have to" they all complained in unison. "Yes you do it's getting dark soon and you three have school tomorrow" Maria told them "fine" they complained.

About an hour after they all say down for tea the kids went off to bed after saying goodnight to their parents and ,sister, Rose. "Well now their asleep, what are you two going to do?" Maria asked her husband and Rose "I'm going to go and tend to the animals" Arthur replied while getting his jacket "I'll probably go and tend to my inventions " Rose said "I'll never understand why you would make such stupid stuff" Arthur has always criticized Roses inventions "because imagine if I complete it and were able to communicate with people on the other side of Thedas" Rose explained her invention "whatever" Arthur said before stepping out to continue work.

"Don't listen to him, you go and continue creating..... Um.... What's it called again?" Maria asked. Rose then chuckled at Maria "it's called a phone, Maria" "right that's it".

Rose then walked outside and into her shed to continue working on the phone.

~~~~Two hours later~~~~

Rose was deep in thought trying to get the finishing touches to the phone to see if it will work.

"Ok, moment of truth" she then pressed the on button but nothing happened, she then trued holding it and again nothing the button but again nothing happened.

"DAME IT!" She shouted in anger, "WHY WONT IT WORK!" then suddenly the device lit up a little bit she gasped as it stared to turn on and work. She got so excited of it working that she grabbed it and ran out of her shed towards the house to tell her "family" the news but as she stepped outside she saw lights in the distance and she could smell about 20 men and women walking towards the farm and she knew instantly what that meant.

She then ran into the house to warn Arthur and Maria "ARTHUR, MARIA WAKE UP!" she shouted "what do you want Rose?" Arthur said angrily for being woken up but she didn't care "THERE COMING!" She warned them and then a look of worry washed over their faces and they both then bolted out of bed "Rose protect the kids!" Maria told me and they both walked down stairs to deal with the mob.

When I got to the kids room they had so many questions but Rose didn't have time to answer them and told then to keep quiet and hide and they did as they where told.

About thirty minutes later of shouting outside Maria suddenly screamed and Rose could clearly smell a lot of blood she knew belonged to her husband,p then suddenly the sound of fire started and the mob cheared as they set fire to the house. "You three come here and stay close!" Rise ordered them and they did she then led them quickly to the back door so that the four of them could run neighboring farm for safety.

Then suddenly one of the mob members shouted "THERE, THE VAMPIRES ESCAPING!" "wait how did he know I was a vampire " Rose thought but she didn't have time to continue. She told the kids to run to the farm and warn the neighbors then telling then she'll meet them later because the mob wasn'tl after the kids they were after her.

So she decided to run into the forest in hopes to lose the mob in the deep forest and fortunately, not long, she did but her body was crawling with anger so she found a spot to sit down and calm down for a few minutes as to not get too angry bacause she hated getting angry, after calming down a little bit she continued walking into the forest as she knew she couldn't go back because she would only put her family in more danger so she continued to walk further into the forest away from her family for about another half hour until she heard someone crying.

She was curious as to why this person was crying and as she grew closer she saw a woman ,with black and dark blue hair, sitting on the ground crying her eyes out but the strange thing is that her sent didn't even smell human. Rose thought about leaving her where she was but the nicer side of her told her otherwise. She stepped closer to her and then asked

"Are you ok?"

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