Chapter 17 Mages (Part 1)

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Vee's POV

After we left Redcliffe, it took us roughly about a day till we reached the shores of Lake Calenhad and in the middle of the Lake was the circle tower of magi.

"Well here we are the college and circle tower of magi" Sarina said "but its all the way out in the middle of that lake how are we getting to it?" Rose asks "maybe that guy over at the Dock can help us" Larrith suggests.

As we got closer to the guy I noticed that he was wearing Templar armour "You lot! You're not looking to get across to the tower, are you? Because I have strict orders not to let anyone pass!" he said "we're Grey Wardens and we are seeking the help from the Mages" Sarina said "oh, you're Grey Wardens, are you? Prove it" he said "excuse me?" Sarina says "go kill some Darkspawn if your a Grey Warden" he tells us "being a Grey Warden isn't just about killing Darkspawn" I said.

He looked over at me but he then looked to my right at Marilla "wait a minute you... Your that thing that lives in the lake!" he said and I noticed he was reaching for his sword but before he could even grip his sword Sarina had a dagger out a pointing at him "wait wait wait that is a thief that thing has been stealing from people and killing them!" the Templar stated "I haven't killed anyone!" Marilla exclaims "yeah yeah sure you haven't freak".

At his words I saw looked really hurt and started to  tear up "Let me make this clear to you, that THING is a Grey Warden and our friend so if you want to try and kill our friend and a Grey Warden you will have to fight all of us and, do you really want that?" Sarina questions with their wolf eyes showing "n-no n-no I-ill take you t-to the tower" he said as he walked to the nearby boat. Sarina then turned to us and said "Templars *rolls eyes* always think they know what's best, come on we should get on the boat".

We all pile into the boat and I notice Marilla looking in the water so I nudge her and ask her if she's alright "I used to live her, in the water until the Darkspawn corrupted the fish in the water killed my best friends" she said with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry Marilla, we will stop the Blight and the Darkspawn before they do that to anyone else" Rose said "thank you".

We reach the cliff leading to the tower and just before we climb i heard the Templar speak "wonder how long they will last" so I ask the other if they heard him "Did you guys-" "hear him? Yeah so I can only imagine bad things so keep together and stay alert" Sarina said.

Within minutes of walking up the cliff we made it to the tower and its large, double, wooden doors. Sarina, being in front, pushed both of the doors open and what we saw wasent good lots of Templars and a couple of Mages where running around shouting and there was injured Templars and Mages that look like they would not make the night and standing in the middle of the room was another Templar, with a different kind of armour than the others, who looked to be ordering a small group of Templars around.

As we approached I heard him saying "... and I want two men stationed within sight of the door at all times. Do not open the doors without my express consent. Is that clear?" "yes sir!" the Templars said and they walked away to another door at the other side of the room "now we wait and pray" the Templar said. He then turned towards us "are you the Knight commander here?" Sarina asked "yes... yes I am my name is Greagoir unfortunately you came at the wrong time. Now please leave I have urgent buissness to attend to" he said "so do we, we need the Mages help" Larrith said.

"We all have urgent businesses but this dosent concern you lot" Greagoir said "Greagoir please we are Grye Wardens and we need the Mages help to fight the blight and we need Mages to help Arl Eamon of Redcliffe" Sarina said "very well I shall speak plainly: The tower is no longer under Templar control. Abominations and demons stalk the tower's halls. We were too comacent. First a blood mage escapes and now this. I wish I could help you Wardens but right now I have other pressing concerns"

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