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warning; mild language and homophobic slurs!

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warning; mild language and homophobic slurs!

"why are you wearing a pink shirt? that's so gross!" taehyung scooted away from yoongi, making a face of utter disgust like he was gonna vomit. of course other students had to then stare, but what was he expecting? 2nd grade wasn't made to be simple. the answers aren't meant to be given to you, as you had to figure them out by yourself. and if you couldn't; that was too bad.

mr. kim places his marker on the stand and folds his arms at taehyung, giving him a glare that no student ever wanted to see. either you were in trouble and he would call your parents, or you were gonna have a long speech with him afterwards, and either one was equivalent to the other.

the class pauses and looks at yoongi, who had already started sobbing loud enough to grab attention. "taehyung, that's the fourth time this week. you know that wasn't very nice. i'd like for you to talk to me after class."

it seemed like this was his routine everyday. he'd sit next to his best friend jungkook with the biggest smile on his face, color some pictures with his favorite scented markers, and then be bullied by his classmates for something, anything they could find.

yoongi loathed having to sit next to the brown haired boy by the name of taehyung. for some reason, he just didn't like yoongi.

on the other hand, jungkook thought yoongi was dissimilar from the other students, and he found him to be the nicest out of the 5 friends he had. the class had a mutual feeling of hate toward the brown haired boy, and even though he was sweet to everyone, jungkook didn't exactly like taehyung either.

there's been animosity between yoongi and taehyung literally since they were 4 years old, all because taehyung spilled red paint all over yoongi's clothes and ruined his favorite sweatshirt.

that being, they were now 7 and 8 years old, with still the same old shit happening. taehyung would 'accidently' kick him under his desk, or 'accidently' rip up his homework; and mr. kim was oblivious to it all.

the worst part about it all was that mr. kim was jungkook's father, and jungkook could rat him out. oh, how he would love to see the tables turn and watch taehyung be embarrassed, crying as his parents scolding him for all the problems he's caused; the problem was that he was too scared of taehyung beating him up, so he usually kept his mouth shut.

all the boy could do was watch yoongi be bullied.

"whatever. what're you gonna do, call my parents? they think you're nothing but a fag anyway," taehyung felt proud as the word rolled off his tongue easily, receiving the gasp of the students around them. nobody had ever heard that word before, but fortunately for yoongi, he'd heard the word plenty of times.

mr. kim calmly turned around from the board, feeling tears pool into his eyes. he tried so hard to hold back and not raise his voice in front of his class — mr. kim was known for being a very kind and outgoing teacher — but he couldn't think straight as the word swirled around his brain, suddenly feeling sick to his stomach. "kim taehyung, we do not use that language in my classroom! go the office and don't come back! i don't wanna see your face in my class ever again!"

the class clapped as the boy annoyingly packed his stuff, mumbling about him being the best in the school as he left the room.

being the sap he is, jungkook switched seats and moved closer to yoongi, holding his hand and swinging it back and forth for a sense of comfort, but that didn't matter right now. what mattered was that their teacher — and jungkook's father — was emotionally unstable in front of the entire class.

mr. kim sat down at his desk, put his head into his hands and began sobbing to his hearts content.

nobody dared to make a sound or to say anything for a good four minutes until a tiny voice piped from the back of the class. "mr. kim, are you okay?" turns out the voice belonged to yoongi's friend, lee jihoon, and everyone knew why. he hated to see people cry because all it did was make him cry with the person. jihoon was known as the emotional pillow due to people leaning on him for support, and his heart ached seeing his favorite teacher cry.

yoongi squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his friend detach their hands, only to find jungkook trying to comfort his father like the good son he was raised to be. the boy then ran over to the class phone and quickly typed in a nine-digit number, running outside as far as he could in the hallway until the cord was being tugged back.

"c'mon, c'mon! c'mon, you big dumb stupid head! pick up your phone!" jungkook cried out, sitting down in the empty hallway with no doubt his dad wouldn't pick up. he probably was working, or sleeping knowing him. jungkook just wanted his daddy to feel better and—


jungkook jumped at the voice, starting to cry even more as he worried about his dad. the person on the line clearly heard the heartbreaking sobs and suddenly recognized who it was, feeling his heart start to pound harder in his chest.

"angel, why're you crying? and why aren't you in class?"

"b-because daddy's crying, a-and i-i can't help him! i-i'm scared, joo-joonie!" jungkook hiccupped into the phone, fisting his hoodie with his free hand.

"i'm coming, don't worry baby. do me a favor and try to keep daddy calm while i get there. can you do that for me?"

"y-yeah, i'll try," jungkook sniffled and wiped his teary eyes with his sleeve, standing up with his now numb legs. the only thing he could do was go back in and face his daddy like a big boy, just like how his daddy told him to be; strong.

jungkook put the phone back in it's holder and walked over to his father, who not shockingly hadn't moved from the position he was in. jihoon was crying into his tiny hands and the students were all whispering to each other worriedly about mr. kim. the thing was, nobody knew why he was so upset over a dumb three-letter word; but jungkook did.

he may've been young, but he wasn't stupid. he remembered all the stories his daddy told him when he was still a baby, about the mean kids pushing him into the lockers for being gay, about the friends he had betraying and outing him in front of his own parents, his parents shunning him and telling him he was a failure; they were engraved into his head like a stone. he couldn't just forget them.

his daddy always told him, "don't end up like i did, please be careful with who you choose." and he lived by that rule ever since he met yoongi.

jungkook sat next to mr. kim and put his hand on his back, looking down at the floor with his mind running 100 miles an hour. yoongi pitifully stared from his seat before finally piping him, trying to defend himself as best as he could.

all he could muster out was a sigh, then resting his hands on his lap. it was like his vocal cords were being squeezed and his chest was being constricted by a cobra. yoongi really wanted to comfort his favorite teacher, he really did, but he just didn't have the courage to. he was called that word many times by his father and taehyung, but it never hurt him the way it's seemed to hurt mr. kim.

it was like someone was stabbing him the chest and telling him, "just say something, you coward!" but for some reason, yoongi just couldn't do it.

after what seemed like forever, namjoon came in with a scowl and put his hands on the desk.

"look, i don't know what happened, but if any of you hurt my fuc-.. my jinnie, i will personally rip you to shreds. i'm not that much older than all of you, and neither is he. yoongi, call your parents." after scolding the class, eventually namjoon took his boyfriend home.

and that was the story of how jungkook had to stay at yoongi's house for an entire week.


it feels so good to be able to write again! also, thanks obsessivemalik for editing for me!

what do you think is gonna happen? i'm curious uwu

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