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"i don't want to this again. on and on, we keep fighting; wouldn't it just be easier to get the damn divorce instead of fighting, hoping to make things better?"

kim seokjin. a 15 year old man with a husband. doesn't sound right, does it?

his parents at 12 years old told him that he'd be marrying who they'd think would be best for him and there was no if, ands or buts. they thought this guy would be perfect for him when in reality, it was what his mother liked and looked for, not him.

seokjin didn't want a man with tattoos and big muscles that could crush him, but a plain simple person that was kind and caring towards him. it didn't matter how tall or short, thin or fat or strong or weak they looked, he just wanted a person that would treat him right and stay by his side for the rest of his life.

his mother flushed his dreams down the toilet by giving him some rich asshole with muscles that could literally murder, and it's not that he wasn't attractive, it's just that he had douchebag written all over his face. and behind those glasses was a man that seokjin didn't expect at first glance.

their introduction was really sweet. the man held out his hand and they shook hands, smiling at each other — seokjin's smile was forced but he tried to make it look believable — widely as they thanked his mother for this, what she called, 'blessing.'

his dad never supported him for his decisions so he didn't expect anything from him, but his mother gave him a ring to put on this mans finger because they were going to be married within the first week. the thing was that seokjin wanted someone to love, not someone to commit to.

shortly after their wedding, their relationship blossomed into something bigger than they could've imagined. they were inseparable. seokjin's best friend cheered him on for finding someone, but something was still missing from their relationship and he couldn't pinpoint it. maybe it was because seokjin didn't love him as much as he should've.

not even a month after they called each other cute pet names and wished for children, seokjin noticed a flare in the man's eyes that wasn't there before. it could've been anything, so he didn't think much of it, until one night his husband snapped and went off on him for buying dinner because 'he wanted to cook something nice for him' and that 'he was gaining weight so he shouldn't keep eating.'

as any other person would do, seokjin brushed it off and just allowed him to cook anyway because if he didn't, it would be informal and improper to do. after all, his husband was 6 years older than him.

his husband then started picking on every small thing he did, including taking a nap, even though he was the one working in the relationship. not only was he tired from his job, he was tired of having to do everything in their relationship. eventually, his husband stopped cooking and doing chores and told seokjin that he needed exercise, so he should do the housework instead.

seokjin said it was unfair, and he was slapped in the face.

and every day since that day, his husband has taken advantage of his sensitivity and hit him every chance he's had. not just slaps either; full on beating up like you see on television. he was left with bruises and scratches in places he wasn't proud of saying out loud, but was he gonna tell his mother? of course not. she would be heartbroken over it.

and that's where they were.

"no, i'm not divorcing you. we can make it work baby, i promise. as long as you smile and as long as you do your job, i'll do mine, okay?" he smiled and rested his hand on seokjin's knee, rubbing it reassuringly.

seokjin snorted, "and what's your job? beating me up like i'm some fucking doll? you sit on your ass and do nothing all day while i'm out busting my fucking ass! and you expect me to smile? seriously? what an asshole!"

his husband didn't like that answer very much, so he grabbed seokjin by the neck and pulled his face close to his, ready to pummel him into the floor. fear was visible in his eyes and he wanted to just run away, but with how strong he was, he was already fucked.

"i do more than you, fatty! talk to me again when you actually grow balls big enough to fight back!" he threw seokjin into the wall and shook his head in anger, storming out the front door like he didn't just hurt him. he wasn't sure what hurt worse; his throat that was squeezed or his finger that was slammed into the wall, along with the old bruises becoming sore again as a reminder that he was pathetic.

things couldn't get any worse, seokjin thought. that is, until he looked up and saw his 3 year old son sucking his thumb in the hallway, crying his eyes out with his safety blanket covering part of his face.

he shot up and ran into his sons arms, picking up him and bouncing him on his knee in a rhythm to soothe him to no avail. he wasn't even sure how much he saw of that. "baby, how long where you standing there? i put you down for a nap hours ago!"

"i-i heard papa yellin' an' hittin' dada, then dada cryin'! thas' why 'm cryin'!" jungkook fisted his eyes with his hands and cupped seokjin's face with his hands, "no cry, dada!"

jungkook was his 3 year old son; his savior and partner in crime, because god damn it, this kid was smart for a little toddler. he was almost smarter than he was.

you may be thinking, 'where did the kid even come from'? well, seokjin found him in an orphanage only a year after he was born because his old parents left him there, and according to them, they 'never wanted a kid' or 'thought he would come out that way.'

it wasn't a defect for sure, but jungkook was born with slightly bigger teeth —  well, when he found him he had big teeth, because babies aren't born with teeth — so he kind of smiled funny when he was a baby. but seokjin found that absolutely precious because he resembled a bunny, even though his husband was against the idea of having kids.

seokjin laughed through his tears, "how can i not cry, baby? he's such a.."


"yes, that- wait, where did you learn that?!" seokjin's eyes widened his eyes as he heard the word slip out of his son's mouth, trying so hard not to laugh at that moment. he couldn't help but start laughing anyway, because it's not everyday you hear little kids calling their own father an asshole.

"papa calls you 'dat all the time when you're gone," jungkook smiled and shrugged nonchalantly in seokjin's arms and wrapped his arms around his neck, coddling into his collarbone with a sniffle.

it wasn't until seokjin's husband disappeared one day and texted him almost a year later that he was coming after his son, and that was the day seokjin starting living in fear of his life.

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