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"joonie, i'm so scared for him

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"joonie, i'm so scared for him. what if he gets bullied like i did? the last thing i want our baby to be is broken and scared to love like i was.. hell, it took me forever to be able to love someone again. if it weren't for you.. i don't think i'd be here."

it was another morning with the sun just coming up and the purple sky merging with the orange, warm coffee cups sitting in both jin and namjoon's hands. romantic? sure, but the thing was that it was 7:40 am and jin had to go to work at 9:00 am. his peaceful thoughts were interrupted over an hour earlier than usual by bad ones before he could even fully awaken.

for one, namjoon was nowhere near a morning person, but for jin, he would climb the highest mountain and sail across an entire sea for him. it only took him seconds after he woke up to recognize the sound of jin's sobs, and minutes to help him calm down.

technically, namjoon was jin's therapist. not literally, but he was always there for him whenever he needed him.

namjoon nodded as he looked down at his lap. "jin, he's gonna be okay. he's never been bullied, at least not yet. and if he does end up like you, what's so wrong about that? he'll have a supportive partner, a well-paying job, a large house, and a big family. think about it."

"yeah, but-" jin's phone annoyingly went off before he could finish his sentence, making him frustrated and lose train of thought. the male gripped his phone and slid the screen right to answer, barely caring about who the caller was.

"hi, is this mr. kim? your queer son is at my house crying because i told him to get off my kid, so if you could kindly remove him from my household and get him away from my kid, then i'd appreciate it."

the caller id was unknown, so neither knew who it was. of course, jin had a strange feeling by the tone of voice that it was yoongi's asshole father. no other man starts a sentence with his last name unless they're business oriented or they're super rude; in which case, it was obvious which one.

namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and nodded his head, allowing his boyfriend to continue. "if you're talking about my jungkook that way, then sir, you better calm down. i don't appreciate you calling him queer, and i certainly don't appreciate your tone."

"oh, is that so? i didn't know you were queer too, guess it runs in-"

"alright, listen buddy; you have about a minute to stop harassing my boyfriend and get my fucking son over here before i press charges and kick the living shit out of you," namjoon snatched the phone from jin's hands and brought his mouth close to the speaker, breathing heavily from the anger surging through his veins.

mr. min laughed and hung up, leaving both jin and namjoon clueless on what to do.


"so.. i guess this means i can't see yoonie anymore?" jungkook fiddled with his tiny fingers, leaving his head hung low in indignity. this week was meant to be fun for him and his best friend, but instead, it ended in disaster, with him having to leave with both his fathers crying over him.

he didn't have the heart to even say how mr. min hit him across the cheek.

jin turned around with tear stained cheeks and frowned, tightening his grip on the steering wheel, "no! i'll find a way for you to see yoongi! i just won't allow you back in that fucking household with his douchebag, fuckface, idiot, asshole homophobic father!" he screamed extra loud so mr. min could hear him from the outside.

the younger had never heard so many bad words fly from his daddy's mouth, ever. not even when his ex-husband left.

"y'know what jungkook? go get yoongi; fuck his father. he's coming home with us for the weekend. let's see how he likes it when he has no fucking power over his kid," namjoon stepped out of jin's car and walked with his son to open the door, only to have it opened by mr. min with a belt in one hand and the other with a bottle of alcohol.

he snaps it with his hands, ready to swing at the little boy. "i've done it once and i'll do it again! get your fucking son off my doorstep!"

namjoon didn't hesitate to run inside the house and grab yoongi, carrying him over his shoulder like a duffle bag. tripping and stumbling, the male gently tossed yoongi to jin and started swinging at mr. min.

fists were thrown back and forth, but the problem was that namjoon — just like his son — was a black belt in taekwondo, so it wasn't hard for him to toss the male over his shoulder and beat him until he was breathless.

let's just say that namjoon made it out with both kids happily.

after the fight happened — even though yoongi was laughing at seeing his father helpless on the ground — and all was over, namjoon turned around with a dimply smile. "who wants a tea party?"

jungkook laughed and threw his head backwards, only to find someone recording everything from the window.


this chapter was kind of a mess, but i swear it gets better!

who do you think was recording?

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