The Pretender

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It's Monday and a part of me is still wondering how my brother Sing talked me into this. I have to pretend to be my twin and act like I know these people so that no one suspects that I'm not him. Thankfully he's been oh-so-helpful and gave me a run down on everyone that I need to know and what to expect. 

I'm lucky to at least have Em here to help me navigate this misadventure. He's the only one that knows that Singto is a twin and that I'm here to be a stand-in for my wayward brother. All three of us went to high school together and are good friends. The only thing he's not in the loop on is  the reason I agreed to this disaster-in-the-making.

Speaking of which, here he comes now.


My-oh-my, has he grown up well. I can't help but stare as the man in the red jacket comes striding through the double doors into the meeting hall. He's followed by several hazers but my eyes only notice him. He most definitely is the boy I used to know but an older, better looking version.

His dark brown hair is longer than it used to be, slicked back to keep it out of his face whereas he had kept it shorter when he was younger, always complaining about it getting into his eyes. His piercing eyes still catch my attention and draw me in, even from across the room. The same strong, sloping nose paired with soft cheeks that still carried its baby fat from when he was younger, and the most perfect cupid bow lips that once were pressed against my own.

Shit, his ear is pierced. That's way hotter than should be allowed for my P'Arthit. I want to go hide him away so that no one can look at him but me.

That includes you readers! Eyes off!

My eyes are glued on him as he stands in front of the freshman class. My heart is pounding and my palms are sweating as his gaze passes over me. It pauses for a half a second before moving on. I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. 

Did he recognize me? Or does he just see Singto?

He starts yelling at us about....well to be honest, I'm really not sure because my entire focus is watching him. I want him to see me. No, I need him to see me. Not as Singto but as me, Kongpob. I know this is counter-productive to what my brother wants but at this moment, I don't a fuck.

I need answers.

Why did he kiss me? Why the silent treatment for so many years? Why wait until the night before I left before making a move? Did he have feelings for me? If so, does he still have those same feelings? And the worst questions of all, was it even me that he meant to kiss or my brother?

Patience Kongpob, patience. I just need to create an opening to talk to him. I just haven't decided if I do it as myself or as Singto, the only twin he had been willing to talk to for years.

Not wanting to create more trouble for my brother, I keep my mouth shut for now and follow the head hazer's commands. My brother wasn't joking when he said that Engineering's hazing was harsher than my own Economic's. My legs are almost shaking with exhaustion by the time we are done with our squats. How the hell does my brother do this every day? Never have I been more glad than to be in Economics faculty than right now.

At least it's worth it to see P'Arthit up close for the first time in years. Eight years have passed and I'm still obsessed with him as ever.

The activities are finally called to an end and I rush after the senior as I have an urgent need to try to reconnect with him. To see if he can see through my brother's identity to me, just like he could all those years ago. I would be happy with just that for the time being. Just to be seen by him. Answers could wait...for now.

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