The Offer

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I spent all day Sunday studying for my upcoming exams and finishing off some homework that's due at the end of the week. Yes, I know I have all week to work on it but I'd rather get it done now as I really need to distract myself from all the drama of yesterday. Hell, this entire week has been a clusterfuck of drama.

A billion questions are still swirling around in the back of my head about the past, yesterday, and what lies in store for me on Monday.

I mean, who was that girl and what's her relationship with my P'? Did he like her? If he liked her, then what was that in the theater? Beyond that, what did Singto hope to accomplish by having me show up unannounced at their hazing?

Readers, feel free to clue me in because I'm completely at a loss.

But seriously, I never thought I'd be so grateful for homework to keep my mind off P'Arthit.

The next day finds me going through the motions, my anxiety ramping up by the hour as the day wears on. Mat and Jade give me suspicious looks during our first class but surprisingly, neither confront me on my distracted behavior but that could be because the professor has decided to give us a pop quiz in preparation of next week's exam. It's a good thing that my English language class is my best subject or I'd certainly have failed with how preoccupied I am.

After we finish the quiz, the professor proceeds to go over the quiz and where we can find the answers in the book if we failed a specific question so that we can study the correct material this week. This practice is why Professor Hongsakul is one of my favorites because he actually wants his students to pass his class.

When class ends, I gather up my things and head for the door when I hear, "Kongpob Suthiluck, stay for a moment please. I need to speak with you."

Man, I know what he wants to talk about but I really was hoping to avoid this conversation for as long as possible. I internally sigh and plaster on a smile as I make my way over. "Yes, Professor?"

"Is everything okay? You seemed rather preoccupied in class today and that's not like you."

"I'm sorry sir. I promise I won't let it happen again."

"It's alright. You're still one of the best students I have and you're young, it's okay to not be perfect all the time. Let loose now and then." He chuckles, "But don't tell your classmates I said that. Most of them could stand to be a little less loose."

We share a smile as it's more than obvious that he's referring to Mat, who's often found with his cell phone hidden under the desk as he plays video games during lectures.

Professor Hongsakul clears his throat and turns serious, "Now, did you give any more thought to what we talked about last week?"

I take a deep breath and shift my weight, my eyes roving around the room as I try stalling as I know he won't like what I have to say. Working up my courage, I return my gaze to him and tell him, "I have but like I said before, I really don't think it's a good fit for me."

"It's an excellent opportunity and I'd hate to see you miss out. Maybe you should discuss it with your family, see what they say and we'll talk again in a week or two. You have a bit of time before the deadline."

I give a vague murmur of agreement and he waves me on, clearly understanding that I'm not budging from my stance on the topic for the time being, but calling out one last time to give "it" some serious thinking before deciding as I walk out the door.

It's not that I don't appreciate what he's trying to do for me but he doesn't understand the complexity of the situation if I agree to what he's proposing.

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