The Lost Bond

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The Lost Bond 

Lost, cold and alone this is how Venom feels. Eddie Brock has just killed Flash Thompson, under Flash's dying breath he told Venom to leave him and get faraway from here. Venom want to try to save Flash but their was nothing he could do he was slowly dying even with Venom's healing abilities he wouldn't make it, so venom left Flash and retreated to a nearby drain, Eddie tried shooting Venom but he was too slow and venom got away.

Meanwhile in New York

Spiderman was swinging through the city doing his patrol and Spiderman stopped for a moment in a alley to see a bunch of gangsters robbing a house. One of the gang members spotted Spider-man and all ganged up on him Spider-man said "come guys stealing from a house not cool", one gang member runs in with a bat and Spider-man avoids it and kick back then all the gang ran in trying to lay a hit on spider-man but none of them could hit them and spider-man takes all of them down with by making them punch each other with Spider-man saying "it's ok guys no need to beat yourselves up it's just one guy (hah) I hate myself for saying that".

Then Spider-man's spider-senses went off and quickly moved out of the way then a bullet hits the wall, Spider-man quickly climbed up a wall to see who shot at him, he saw a figure in the darkness trying to flee and chased after him, Spider-man court up to him and shot a web at his feet to stop him from running. Spider-man had a look at who he court Spider-man was shocked and said "Brock! What the hell are you trying to do, trying to shoot me? you couldn't kill me when you were Venom and you won't kill me with a gun. So what are you doing here Brock and explain why you still hate me, even when your not bonded to an alien parasite".

"I thought we got over this Peter and I thought you were someone else"Brock explains, "really? How could you get me confused with someone else I'm wearing bright red and blue with black lines and white eyes unless you hunting Deadpool and also when did you become a bounty hunter?", "No I'm not a bounty hunter and this is personal stuff so stay out of it!", "wow I'm not just letting leave you leave here just for you to kill someone", "(ha)", "what's so funny?", "it's nothing you think your going keep me here", "yes?", "well I think not", Eddie threw down a smoke grenade and spider-man couldn't see and couldn't keep focus because of the smoke he was inhaling

"Dammit he actually got away, now who would Eddie have a personal score with that's not me?", Spider-man was web swinging but little did he know Venom was watching feeling a hopeful feeling and following spider-man. When Peter got to his apartment he took off his suit and laid on his bed feeling exhausted, at that same time Venom was outside feeling weak but determined venom slivered up the stairs and under Peter's door Venom saw Peter sleeping and it was his opportunity.

Venom grabbed on the bed to pull him self up on, Venom can't remember why Peter didn't want him, but he's changed his been cleansed by the Klyntar he can start over, he can put things right, he can be a hero. Venom slowly crawls on Peter without him knowing covering his chest then to his legs, arms and neck but not his head it could wake Peter. Venom felt at home he felt whole again, this feeling also affected Peter feeling a warm serge through his body and it made him smile a little, venom took the from of the black suit and rested until the morning for a new beginning.


12:50pm "(yawning) morning, already, jeez I can barely keep my eyes open", Venom quickly turned in to Peter underwear when he heard him waking up. "Err I just got a cold shiver down my spine, felt weird like my bed sheets slipping of my bed or maybe it's because I'm only wearing underwear oh well I better get changed or JJ will nor my ear off for being late with the picture", Peter got changed and headed out to the bugle without knowing that Venom was bonded to him.

The Daily Bugle

"Where's Parker! He's late", "sorry Jonah I got caught in", "No excuses", "ok here's the picture I took", "(haha) new topic: spider-man the alley menace (haha)", come on Jonah he's not that big of a threat", "(ha) he's the reason why crime goes up and he's a danger to New York and the world, you'll see Parker", "so could I have 90$ for the photo", "60$", "75$" "done now get out here, theirs story to be told". Peter walked out feeling a bite annoyed he couldn't get 90$ of JJ

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