The Perfect Bond

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The Perfect Bond 

Peter's Dreams

Peter woke up laying on the ground and realised he was in a dark room with black, goo webs everywhere. Then from the shadows Venom appeared, Peter look at Venom, Venom had changed. He had white membrane shaped eyes, a big maw with sharp teeth and a long snake like tongue and had the body of Peter but stronger.

"Venom what's happening? Where are we and why did you change your form?", Venom walked closer to Peter and said "We're finally whole", "what do you mean?", "our bond isss complete it'sss unbreakable. Fire and loud vibrationsss can never ssseparate usss again. we've taken our true form, new identity, new powersss, new responsibilitiesssss", "unbreakable bond?, new identity?, new powers?, new responsibilities? I'm sorry you've lost me", "when you agree to permanently bond with us, it ssstarted to merge usss closer and closer together to form our new bond, our perfect bond", "ok it's starting to make sense, but you still haven't explained why you look like what you are now", "thisss isss our Klyntar form, we've been expected back into the hive", "who or what is a Klyntar?", "it's best if we just show you".

Venom then walked face to face with Peter and covered him then Peter faded to black then it quickly flashed to a orangey glow, like if it was dawn then Peter opened his eyes and saw giant Symbiotes flying around and black, goo webs were everywhere with other Symbiotes crawling along them. Then one of the giant flying Symbiotes came down to Peter and was talking to him telepathically "greetings Peter Parker, we know who you are and what you have done", "umm hi? Your the Klyntar right?", "we are all Klyntar and so are you and Venom", "so what are the Klyntars objectives?", "our objective is to bond with worthy warriors to create heroes to protect those who can't protect them selves and now you are one of us Peter your a member of the Klyntar, the protector of Earth", "hu "the protector of Earth" we like that. I have question, at the beginning when I first meet Venom was he a Klyntar?", "no he was not he was with the corrupt Klyntar however Venom didn't agree with the corrupt Klyntars ways and was left to die but you saved him and Venom bonded to you we could feel Venom's awakening and watch him. He was starting the bonding process with you, he gave you strength but with that you acted more aggressively with every bad person you fort, it feed Venom with negative emotion and you started his hunger for it. After you two separate and Venom was in raged by the separation and bonded to a darker soul, then we cut off our link with Venom, until a few years in the future we could sense Venom going back on the path of the Klyntar and watch him once again with a different host it was a man called Flash Thompson the one who redeemer Venom, the one who brought him home the one who died for Venom's safety, and now your the one who looks after Venom like you should have done many years ago", "wow so you've been watching over us from the beginning and I've screwed it up, that's why I'm trying to make it right and take responsibility for Venom", "we know and understand, but it's time for you to leave us for now Peter, but we will meet again maybe face to face".

Peter faded black again and woke up in the dark room again but didn't see Venom anywhere. "Venom where did you go?" Peter said in a deep echo voice, Peter froze and said "venom what wrong with our voice!", "it'sss ok it'sss our new voice, ssso when we cover you, it changes us in more ways than you know", "ok... but can we turn back to the normal me?""yessss, don't worry thisss isss a good thing".


Then Peter's dream went black then woke up and gasped for some air, breathing heavy. Then saw Reed and Susan jump back a bit to stand clear of Peter. As Peter sat up straight, Reed punched Peter in the face "owww what was that for?", "that was for attacking Susan!", "she attacked us first!", "you were asked to leave, and that's why she attacked", "fine whatever, we don't have time for this. M.J is being controlled by Carnage, we came here for your help to free her from Carnage's control, will you?", "after what you've done I think your on your own", "fine but listen, Reed, we're sorry for causing you trouble, we'll make it up to you, if you need anything from us just ask".

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