The Perfect Bond Part 2

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The Perfect Bond Part 2

Peter pays for his meal and walk out of the cafe then Peter heads on over to his apartment to give the rest of the chocolate cake to venom. A few minutes pass and Peter makes it to his apartment and grabbed the cake and sets it down on a table Venom formed a small head and took a bite out of the cake "mmm love the taste of chocolate, it makes usss feel good", "that's what chocolate is there for to make you feel good", "you've gotten more positive recently, it's good to have the old Peter back, we missed that", "it just feels like things mite be starting to go our way, you know?", "yesss we know exactly", "are you reading my mind?", "can't help it, we're permanently bonded we can't help it if we think the sssame, act the sssame, look the sssame and talk the sssame", "yeah I get it, we're connected in every way, its still weird. When you tried to keep aunt May and M.J alive our bond was weak I was weak, it was like having a piece of me being ripped out but when you returned I felt whole again", "we know thisss too well".

While Venom was finishing eating the cake Peter's phone started to ring it was Miles. "Miles! How you doing, are you up and about", "yeah, I'm that good I'm swinging over to your place right now", "wait then what's the point of call us?", "just letting you know and I don't want you attacking me if I scared you", "scared no, startled yes", "yeah yeah sure, hey I can see you".

Peter ended the call and turned to see Miles waving at him while swinging. Few moments later Miles arrives at Peter's and Peter gives Miles a bro hug "it's good to see you Miles", "and you too, anyway I came here to see how you were doing", "well umm where best to start. After we left your place we went to the fantastic four for help for our behaviour during that we had to give a piece of us to Reed to do a check up. After that we went to our apartment to found out that carnage had taken over M.J and put in a part of him self in us, corrupting our thoughts which we didn't know at the time. After that she left we didn't follow just in case Carnage did something to her. So instead we went out to cool off we got very aggressive and almost lost it so we went to see if Reed could help free M.J from carnage but we got in a fight with The Invisible Woman A.K.A Reed's wife. After the fight we saw Reed doing testing on our other we punched him in the face-".

"Why?", "because we warned him not to mess with it, anyway demand to know what he was doing. He told us and said Carnage was in us and he had away to get it out, and let me tell you it was painful it was that bad we passed out and woke up seeing Venom but different he explained why. But after that he took me to his home world it was weird but nice and I found out that Venom was called a Klyntar-", "weird", "yeah your tell us. After that we had changed", "in what way?", "everything! Good and bad (sigh) after we woke up and Reed punched us in the face-", "you kinda deserved that", "yeah guess so but we didn't want to hurt her to get to Reed", "I know Peter continue your story", "alright, after we talked Reed down we left to find Carnage it took a awhile but we were able to find Carnage he was at aunt May's we got worried about what Carnage could have done in their we snuck in but when we did it was trouble Carnage knew where we were and surprised us then with our new abilities we got out of Carnage's attack. Then we charged down after Carnage to see aunt being held by the neck by Carnage. We got pissed off from that and lunged at Carnage he trapped us by shooting tendrils out of the ground stabbing us in our arms and legs then wrapped around them we couldn't move make us loose it. We... couldn't... do anything to stop it". Peter said clenching his hands.

"It's ok Peter, it's ok", "No! it's not we-I hurt them I hurt aunt May and M.J it not ok!", "it'sss alright Peter we made it right in the end", "sorry, it's been hard", "it's fine Peter you don't have to continue you've told me enough". Then Venom formed a small head out of Peter's clothes "thank you for understanding", Miles jumped back "Ok! I'm a bit weirded out now", "when did you learn to talk outside of my head?", "recently", "that's a little creepy seeing a alien head on you", "you'll get use to it. He Miles could you not tell M.J about this ok, we don't want her to get worried", "I won't but you have to tell her", "we will just not yet alright", "alrighty then I'm heading off see you two later", "thank for stopping by", "indeed".

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