The Lost Bond Part 2

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The Lost Bond Part 2


(Ringing) "uh, hello who is this?", "(haha) it's me daddy (hahaha)", "Carnage! No it can't be him we destroy him long ago", "who are you, what do you want!", "(haha) only to thank you for helping me with my plan", "no don't tell me, Eddie? But why would you team up with Carnage. You hated him", "well I've changed and I will destroy Venom but if you stand in my way your loved ones will be met with true Carnage!", "Eddie if you as much as touch one of them we'll beat you into the middle of next week!", "oh is that so well you better hurry M.J and your wannabe look like my first victims (haha)" (call ends).

"Brock has gone to far this time and I don't think there's no save him, he willingly bonded to Carnage the last thing I would have expected from Eddie", "we'll make him pay for this we promise", "come on let's find them". Without a moment to spare Venom covered Peter and they jumped out of the window and started to look everywhere for Carnage. They looked in every place that Brock would go and then noticed that in one area there was something written on the wall in blood saying "TRUE CARNAGE" and underneath it said "can you guess who's blood it is?" Peter was engulfed by his rage and Venom said.

"we can track them down by using the blood on the wall", "do it, when we find him, he's going down for good!", "Couldn't agrees with you more, we'll make him regret hurting M.J and Miles". Peter touched the wall and Venom analysed the blood and found there sent and swung to there location. Peter's rage was growing and Venom is afraid of it because of how strong it was and asked "we're almost there but before we enter. Peter your scaring us a bit, what if this is what he wants, what if he wants use to be lost in anger and rage", "I through you wanted to make him pay don't you still want too", "yes but your thinking of killing him that not us it's not you", "well we'll just have to see if he deserves our mercy".

They arrived at a church but not just any church it was the church where Peter rejected Venom. Peter thinks to him self "why here Eddie, what are you planning", they opened the door and saw a big red hulking figure, it was Carnage. "I'm only going to ask once Brock where are M.J and Miles!", "oh did I struck a nerve (haha)", "listen we're not in the mood. Either you tell us where they are or we'll find them ourselves", "do remember this place Venom, this is where Peter through you away and almost killed you then you met me but now I'm going to finish what Peter could not, I'm going to destroy Venom", "Peter above we can sense M.J".

Peter looked up to see M.J and Miles tied up near the bell quickly webbed up to the top but Carnage grabbed Peter by the foot and swung around and threw him into a wall Peter's rage was boiling and his face change with dagger shaped eyes, a maw with sharp teeth and a small snake like tongue then his muscles got slightly bigger. Looking like a smaller Venom then Peter yelled "GET OUT OF OUR WAY!".

Peter jumped at Carnage at lightning speed and sent him through a wall into a room the fighting was a destructive one and every time carnage gets his he would just laugh and Carnage would just keep on cutting him with his sharp claw. Then Carnage grabbed Peter and threw him up braking through three floors and landed up to where M.J and Miles were then Carnage swung up and punched Peter in the face then carnage said "oh how lovely I get to destroy you in more ways then one".

Carnage walked up to M.J and formed his hand into a sharp knife and stabbed M.J in the arm and M.J screamed in pain and then Peter got up and his rage was growing even more then changed at carnage and tackled him to the ground beating down on his head with wild punches screaming "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Carnage formed tendrils pushing of Peter and hitting his head on the bell creating loud vibrations that made Venom pull back from Peter's face and made carnage weak then venom said "Peter you've got to stop your rage is making use into a monster we can't control it".

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